You will lose your guns

Sooner or later David Hogg or other mass shooting survivor will be elected president of the USA.

And he/she/they will sign an executive orders that ban guns.

Biden won't just do it now because he has ties with guns manufacturers.

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literally nothing will happen

This grifting cunt isn’t a survivor. He wasn’t even there. He’s just a soulless opportunist.

Any attempt to ban guns in the United States that actually goes through will result in the breakup and end of the United States.

Has he tried to rape a girl in college yet?

He breaths out of his mouth.

President can't do shit you would need some sort of super majority in the senate and even still altering the 2a; I don't even know how you would do that. Supreme court has already spoken.


>Sandy Hook
>Two more weeks until the federal government takes your guns away
>Marysville Pilchuck High School
>Two more weeks until the federal government takes your guns away
>Umpqua Community College
>Two more weeks until the federal government takes your guns away
>Rancho Tehama Reserve
>Two more weeks until the federal government takes your guns away
>Two more weeks until the federal government takes your guns away
>Santa Fe, Texas
>Two more weeks until the federal government takes your guns away
>Rancho Tehama Reserve
>Two more weeks until the federal government takes your guns away

Here's what's really going to happen: Deep blue states that already have super stringent gun control laws will tighter them even more, red rural states will make their gun laws even more lax, and the federal government will do nothing of consequence. And with the GOP likely winning the House and/or Senate this November, the window will fully close for years.

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The kid is like 17 by the time he's president the planet will be ruled by aliens or some shit... face it it's over

I came close to whupping that faggot's ass years ago at Tampa beach. He cried to the cops like a bitch and I had to leave and go to another beach.

It's funny that he is as sociopathic (a grifter) as the shooter

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Why doesn’t he just make school shootings illegal? Checkmate atheists

Why would they try to take guns when they can delet 4chon

Mods plz deletr Any Forums

what was his dad again, CIA glownigger or something if I remember right...?

Attached: Hogg.png (701x902, 821.56K)

Government should be liberal on both abortion and guns.

Man imagine having a name like david hogg i think i would kms if i had such a ridiculous name

The left loses the long game. sry.
Also, Hell is real. Have a nice day.

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>David Hogg will be elected president

Imagine being as delusional as this monkey nigger


>The left can't create
>They can only copy the right

come take them you brazilian faggot. fucking favela monkey

>And he/she/they will sign an executive orders that ban guns.

This reason we have guns is exactly to prevent some moron from ex ordering our freedoms away.

This is now a rare Daisy thread. Post your best Daisy Hoggs.


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>mass shooting surviver
Did he get shot? He’s not a surviver. He just so happened to be in an area near a shooter.