Yep, it's real

Attached: Screenshot_20220526-144956_Brave.jpg (1080x1826, 363.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Good parents.


Nice link, phone-posting fucking faggot.

mr. evan hill's language is strange.

Why would you expect different? They're both non-Whites and cops, they have no sense of duty.

Smart. They kept the rest outside so they wouldn't get in the way.

This is what "Backing the Blue" gets you.
No refunds faggots


Treasonous mass shooting enforcers.

No refunds after the defunds?

Fuck all cops everywhere.


Most are male. Wouldn't that make you a faggot?

Someone needs to do a reverse Waco, make a sovereign citizen compound…dig a tunnel from underneath it to some other place. Do some shit to make ATF agents raid the compound. Everyone gets inside tunnel and gets away from area. Remotely blow up compound with all the atf agents inside.
Why has no one done this yet? They still need to pay, McVeigh didn’t do good enough, he half assed it

I agree, the argument should be "only Whites should be allowed guns".

Attached: god_USA.jpg (323x650, 42.85K)

Because thats how they advertise themselves that they wound go in.

Why would you trust a spic?

Since OP is a fag.

If your kid was in that school, wouldn't you go in and get them? Or is this also something type of post-birth abortion ritual to liberals where you just sit back and let them be killed because cops said so?

If they were my kids, I would have done the same.
I mean, choosing to trust my mates or saving my kids? Pretty easy choice

Overrided by shit police. They were there in that capacity so they're total scumbags.

>invite spics
>low IQ and empathy
>they are good cuz trad, redpilled, we fuck a few fatties, LOOK a skinny half breed who looks white!
>crime goes up, drug dealing completely ignored
>neighborhoods decline in quality
>they take over small towns
>no whitey to save the day, their natural submissiveness takes over
>favoritism, clannish behavior, tribalism takes hold
>we are here
>take over larger cities
>disease spreads
>United States of Mexico
It’s over

>I wanna save my kids because I'm scared of the feeling of losing a child
>umm you guys need to stay here and stop telling me to save your children, shit happens, you kneo?

Republicans can't put themselves in other people's shoes. It is literally impossible, They lack that part of the brain. It explains everything.

At no point does he say what op is claiming

Entire police force is latino

would do the same, but I would not work for zog or send my kids to public school full of shitskins in the first place.

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