How come blacks never do mass shootings?

How come blacks never do mass shootings?

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too busy tonguing my anus

They do but it's on other blacks so the media doesn't report it

no reason to be angry, they live in a nation that worships them

because the media actively suppresses it when they do.
kinda like when they go for a drive and just happen to be a black nationalist and there's a christmas parade directly in front of them.

>common sense SUV control, it's time people. wake up!

Good one.

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they arent very accurate

They do them every day you spacker.


All the time. Get off MSM

There's like 20 shootings a weekend in Chicago and all of them are black

they do, shooting, like with most things, they're just really bad at it.

they try, a lot, but their aim is shit

They have sex.

I fuck your mother every night, once you are asleep, and since no-one tells you about it, it isn't happening, don't worry about your mom's creampied asshole, no report means no action.
fucking imbecile

Death to kikes.

This and it's memoryholed like a bastard

Black lives don’t matter and everyone knows it, that’s why they have to make such a big deal of lying and saying they do. You don’t need to do that with any other group because it’s just taken for granted that their lives matter.

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they do. it is classified as 'gang violence'.

Mass shooting is a high IQ planned crime

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>image for ants

They do, but they do not do school shootings. See: executive functioning.
