The Boomer fears

the white clover lawn

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tremble in fear putrid boomer and behold my power

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so it works?

it's so much softer than grass
I have Like 500 stingless mason bees living here since I got the white clover

death to boomer jew monoculture lawns

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white clover boomer repellent.
dangerously based
and duly noted.

Add purple and red ones.

Clover is based, it puts nitrogen back in the soil

that's why I did it
mulch it into my compostbin for maximum nutrients

why dont white westerners use that space to grow food?

you have become to dependant on your gubberment to provide for you.

I have a garden fren
I have a sustainable lawn and a garden

WTF are you on about? I use white clover for a season in mine to nitrate the soil every few years.
Also the shit grows tall, like 8" at peak during summer. Grow a pratia lawn if you don't want to mow the fucking thing.

Attached: reelly good mower.jpg (1024x943, 52.81K)

some golf courses dont use cides and actully leave the clovers in the fairway and the ruff. I recall seeing clover on the green but can be sure since they shave really close. They used to put clover seeds in the mix back in the 1940 or so, but they stopped so you're forced to get pesticide.

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but user I have a mix of white clover AND microclover

there's a Any Forums screencap of white clover
anyone got it?


Don't care, you're a fool. You should have sown pratia.

Attached: pratia.jpg (618x464, 143.82K)

>mentally ill suburban niggers shit and piss their pants at the thought of 8 inch clovers

I'm gonna sow that on my patio
would fill the cracks more beautifully than the moss that died

Does it die back in the winter? I planted some seed in my backyard but I don’t want it to die in winter and have a bunch of dirt

>Lawn built for BBC
Everytime a mutt

Attached: burgers.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

>drawing inferences from a statement mocking your fear of 8" flora
I didn't say it, you did.

Attached: yturtyurtyuhf.jpg (1600x900, 56.46K)

reddit posting? On Any Forums?