Good Jobs with No Degree?

In today's economy and job market, what are some comfy or easy jobs that:

>Pay well ($60k+)
>Don't require a degree

Are those of us without a degree limited either to low paying jobs or manual labor?

Hard mode: Same criteria but remote work.

God mode: Little or no talking on the phone.

And to the user previously who said "Energy Auditor" for $70k: What companies hire for this? What do you do all day when hired? How does someone get into this?

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Spam thread. Variations posted 4 x day, s a g e

You can hide your face and pretend you’re a girl on tiktok

I let old men pay me to do me without protection.

I usually make like 5 bucks an hour and it’s a lot of fun

Post hand. We don't help pajeets or spics here.

Unless you’re good looking and have great social skills there are none.

College Essay writer.

Not so. This would be true if there was only one post by the OP, but I always follow up with questions and discussion. Especially when kind anons like WA sales user yesterday reveal a fitting line of work. And I, for a fact, have never posted this more than once a day, provided the thread didn't archive within minutes of first being posted. Check the archives and show me where this has been posted exceedingly otherwise.

Just pick an low stress job that doesn't require overtime. And start a business yourself outside of it.

You can make 60k easy in California with just about any job but it will still feel like minimum wage.

Besides that, most entry level IT pays about that. As long as you're not as dumb as geek squad. You can contract to start and not all of those positions require phone calls.

t. ignoring degree and experience requirements on anything paying above $10 an hour.

Well, I studied law but I did nothing with my degree. Instead I work a lazy government job for 32 hours a week. Which pays a modal wage, which is enough to sustain you. On friday I sometimes sell some a webshop to small business. And each webshop I sell brings in the same as 60% of my months wage. In theory I could earn my months wage in 3 days. But you have to start somewhere.

Also starting a business takes like $100k+ and has a 90%+ failure rate in the first year or so. Not to mention I don't even know what kind of business would be highly profitable anyway that doesn't already exist or have massive competition.

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You should read (or listen to the audiobook) The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco.

Elaborate. What does it teach? How did it help you?

I read many books about entrepreneurship and it's a good entry level book. It teaches you about why you should start a business. And it puts you into the mindset of what you should look for when setting up a business.
The owner worked as a taxi driver (with a economics degree) while he set up and made it.

But some thing you mentioned were the standard fallancys that normies often use. A business doesn't require a lot of money to set up. And if you don't try it you have a 100% failure rate. If you never take a swing, you will never make it. And each time you make a swing, you have another shot at making it.

What other books do you recommend? And I understand what you're saying, but where/how do you get start up capital if you have literally $0?

You work that 10 dollar job. Until you can upgrade to a better job.

and if you are both of them?
there are no possibility without a magic paper and even with one your fucked right now,,,

Nobody taking the bait huh well screw you guys I’m going home

Furry porn artist.
"Your Character here" auctions could earn you some easy dough and you can charge more for comics and animations.

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I'm gonna steal and sell a car instead. Kek.

Go away, Mossad.

I suck at drawing and unless you're getting paid like $1,000 per drawing it isn't worth the time or effort. Not to mention all the competition.

>some comfy or easy jobs
Be a cop, stand around and do nothing during school shootings. Mag dump some unarmed street punk, trade speeding tickets for sex with underage girls. Great pension and benefits. Gun laws dont apply to you.

Go suck a dick