Okay Any Forums

Okay Any Forums

How YOU solve the school shooting problems without banning guns?

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how about just don't send the kids to school

lol who cares? fuck mutts and their god complex shit

Ban the schools. They're obviously unsafe.

police officers guarding schools should have families of their own, ban backpacks and designate lockers for students to store their supplies. School uniforms optional but recommended.

Destroy the CIA

Not my problem

Dismantle public schools.

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Gas the kikes and get rid of their kikery.
Like circumcisions n stuff.
The main-problem in America is a collective psychosis. And if you give psychos a gun… well…

Ban white people from schools

A country built on the backs of slaves never had the integrity to become a succesful nation. This is the bed Americans have sown and must now reap, there's no need for outside interference

segregated schools

That's a complex fucking beast Danefren, and if we were to seriously address it we would probably solve a good deal more than just the school shootings issue.

Three words - homeschool

Change signs
>Gun free zone
to read
>Onsite employees may conceal carry

Get rid of niggers

>but school shooters are white
WRONG. They've always been niggers. The media only reports shootings when some incel loses his shit. Get rid of niggers, problem solved. End of story.

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exile/deport all niggers and jews and remove womens rights. problems will solve themselves overnight. thanks for coming to my ted talk.

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legalize school shootings

Stronger fencing, single entrance, armed security, a gun in the hand of each and every child

reorganize schooling around neighborhood family volunteers. reorganize the labor force back to one income married households for kids. every student receives money directly and equally from the federal government. the money is spent as chosen by the family/student on certified education services. the government creates bonus awards and sets rate of return on account balances based on student grade performance (i.e., GPA 4.0 get all your spending refunded and account balance APY is 20% good investment; F get no refund and rate of return is -10% cut losses). no longer will schools be glorified free daycare for broken homes or those where both parents have to work, with unfirable public employ union teachers with platinum pensions and no performance clause for actually teaching anything well. get the fucking government out of education. public education system in the US is hellish and producing failed fucked up students.

Stop mind-raping the citizens.

Ban em? Fuck that make em mandatory.

Allow teenagers to bring rifles to school again.

Pretty hard to gun down a school if it already has a defacto garrison.

US public schools have long since tipped to majority poc in total. Outside very affluent suburbs and the remaining all white states their literally all poc and vaugely brownish immigrants from the slums of asia arabia africa latin america etc

This latest was a native spanglish speaker from mexico

Turn off the tv lol

Liberia was built by ex-slaves and look where it's at. Maybe the problem isn't slavery, but the lack of it.

Brillant actually

defund the democrat party

I work in an office where there is a front desk, you have to use your pass to even get in, and even move inside there using that pass, I can't get to certain parts of the building because I'm not authorized. Zero shootings.

Ban glowies from grooming kids on the Internet. Problem solved. Or maybe just don't leave them on your "watch list" for months without an intervention

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Ban children

nuke everybody

Ban school shootings

that's only two words, retard

ban school shootings

>alphabet agency bot thread
Dont feed their AI

Stop oversocialization.

Kids don't even need school. A grade 5 education is enough. After the age of 10 kids should be going to work if they're male and be learning how to cook and clean if they're women.

dont sell crack in impoverished neighborhoods like reagan

you can't solve it.