Ray Liotta has died

Pay your respects to a stand up man.


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he was #VAXXED

Noooooooooo! Fuck, this one hurts a little bit. Ray Liotta was awesome. He was too cool to be in clownworld anyway


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damn, he was a friend of ours.



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As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. To me, being a gangster was better than being President of the United States.

i don't give a SHIT about that faggot.

He likely got pwned by shitty beer, didn't he? Americans dying in the Dominican Republic actually happened throughout 2019 - 2021 due to shitty beer

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Motherfucking F

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>Dies in his sleep in the Dominican Republic

Thats what you get for fucking bargain bin black hookers


What did he die of? 67 seems a bit early to kick off in this day and age unless he had some underlying health condition such as a bad ticker or he was using.

rip in peace henry


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Probably drugged by a hooker. Dominican women are nasty don't know why anyone would risk their lives for cheap sheboon pussy

And was most of the principal filming done for his new movie, that way we can enjoy him one last time?

not everyone can be rich, be more sensitive!

He broke a cherry!

They said he died in his sleep. He did smoke a lot and did a bunch of commercials about quitting it with chantix.