Holy shit Any Forums, I just figured out why they want so many troons and fags and women in the US military. It's not because they're just as battle effective, it's not because they want the good goy points, but because they are loyal to the zog, and are deranged enough to kill civilians.

Think about it. With all the modern combat tech (drones, sattelites), you don't actually need boots on the ground to kill. And who else would gladly pull the trigger on Evil Racist Antivaxxer Homophobic Whites? A man deranged enough to cut off his own dick would kill normal people without hesitation, if offered societal acceptance. A woman can be tricked into killing by propaganda about MUH CHILLIN. All the kikes need from them is just smart target recognition, because AI is not quite there yet.

The next big war the US military will be directly involved in will be a civil one, and it will be about disarming the populace. There won't be tanks for you to shoot, there won't be an army of white people you can reason with, there won't even be patrols you can ambush. It will literally just be a demand for you to disarm and get chipped, and if you do not, you will get remotely tracked down and killed by trannies, gays and women. Media brainwashing on one side, highly accurate weapons of war on the other, and you'd be stuck between them.

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Other urls found in this thread:


If I am in the woods with a rifle, I can kill as many as I have bullets. I don't think they will to send deranged, undiciplined brats to effectively kill me, that would be the height of irony.

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>because they are loyal to the zog, and are deranged enough to kill civilians
Yeah pretty much. The soviet union did the same thing.
Timestamp 5:55

you're just figuring this out now? nigger you live in a country where they will throw you in jail for misgendering someone on twitter. the dystopia is not looming in the near future, it's already here.

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The most effective way to fight this type of enemy is to form small resistance cells, 10 or 15 members max. The main objective of every cell is to disrupt and molest the enemy as much as possible, and since we will be fighting troons, fags and psychotic women morality of some "unconventional warfare" actions won't hold us back much.
>Communication between cells to a minimum and never give out too much info
>Only people you would trust your life with are part of the cell
>2/3 members of the group don't partecipate in any form of resistance
>Nothing to affiliate your "group of friends" with an actual cell (insignias, wired message groups, a team name)
>Always operate outside a 50Km radius of were you live
>Target government buildings, contractors and staff
Good luck Anons

Kek anyone young enough to fight won't. Testosterone levels are too low.

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But these troons still hate america


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Partially true, they try to hire troons, because they are obedient to the system, that plays along with their mental illness, but that does not make zog that much more of a threat. There are more guns in america than citizens, so if there would be an effective resistance, all the troons of the country combined can do fuck all, and they can barely find any troons, that are just mentally stable enough, to hold any position within the armed forces. There would be only a few thousand of them, that could actually serve, and they are usually elevated in ranks, as a demoralisation tool, against the general population, them being obedient is a given, because every other zogbot officer is filtered that way.

Also drones have limited effectiveness, they simply don't have enough missiles, nor enough drones, nor enough trained operators, to do enough damage in a first strike, to prevent their bases from being swarmed, before they could rearm their drones. Every white could be a potential combatant against zog, assume each would get hold of a weapons, no chance defeating over a hundred million armed adults, with the few hundred combat drones.

Any army would just need to spread out, just stand a hundred meter from each other while you clear sectors. USA probably don't have that large stockpile of air to surface missiles, it would deplete fast in a major conflict. Just be lone wolves, and kill more than one person each, and you win against your zog.

>you don't actually need boots on the ground
Real life ain't like RTS user, you NEED boots on the ground to do a wide variety of jobs, depending what are you aiming to

>the killing the killing
Sounds like someone who has no idea concept of what a supply chain even is, or it's purpose

Sorry user but your knowledge of actual real life warfare is shit

Damn the absolute gigachads in Mexico and south america. I guess this goes hand in hand with the obscene cartel violence, both in being able to dish it out and being wily enough to fight back against it.

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Isn't that Zed from "Police Academy" ?

Life is cheap when you are a nobody

How do you know the fag is in the military?

Rare posting. This is true. Post truth neo liberal nihilism is a nazi third reich death cult of United States. It's just it isn't about nationalistic or ethnic identity politics, but about woke ideology, which is anti human, anti white, anti good, anti family, anti life, vegan, nihilistic, against population growth, etc, and it's a mentality that want's to exterminate any and all opposition to them. They are filled with irrational hatred an basically nazified to discriminate, hate and want to kill anyone who opposes their socially engineered sensibilities built around well nurtured and pampered narcissism. It's what "pride: is (lgbt+), a delusion of grandeur.

Every high-T country is coincidentally a shit-hole.

Took you long enough.

>whaaa whaaa muh transgender folx
obsessed. Drop the VPN vatnik and go die for your monke

high t chad japan vs virgin low t china bugcels

Kek, seeing the murder per capita map used as the testosterone map always cracks me up.

>"I cant breath" patch
It should say "I can't breed"

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Carbon neutrality is the most radical economic warfare theory ever invented to incentivize population reduction by communism.

You fags have ruined the Carlos meme.
wtf is wrong with you retards?

not just in the military, they have created a privileged class of sociopathic ideological enforcement agents and dispersed them through all areas of society, your once based male only interest groups now have janitors and, they do it for free

I believe you are looking at the Philippines not Japan

That dude in the pic wore that as a troll.
He wore it to a city council meeting to mock the politicians there.
It’s pretty funny

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But if we don't dress up in faggy uniforms and go marching in geofenced rallies, then how will the jews know that we're super serial this time?

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The Babylonian Mysteries worship the divine feminine. This inevitably means that trannys get pushed to the front over biological women, since the tranny made a choice to reject the masculine.

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based Alex Stein

Honestly I'm ashamed for how long it took me to realize how bad it is.

Also to add to OP's post, troons can be extremely autistic. For them, spending 14h in front of a screen, analyzing each square meter of a battlefield is basically a normal Tuesday. Combine that with the US satellite network and the Air Force will never run out of possible targets.

Not only that, but the army/state can keep a direct control over them by "offering" them the best surgery available so ensure their loyalty. They can't risk quitting the army if it risks cutting their supply of estrogen

Well, some one is awake.
Good Morning.

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Good morning

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That's not our job, glowniggers will take care of the rallies and terrorism in our name. The government will unironically turn millions against the government in a desperate attempt to demonize us.

> be guerrilla circa 2024
> interdiction of estrogen shipments is your only operation against the establishment
> the government collapses because it cannot supply enough tiddy skittles to its intelligence operatives
real life is getting a little to meta for me

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