Gun grabbers refute this!

Gun grabbers can't!

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>But now we have high capacity assault rocks with extended clips and black shoulder thingies that go up!

is there any mention about the fact that they are always high on medication?


everything can be a weapon, and we are not able to control a person's desire to harm another.

the most we could do is limit the access of dangerous "weapons" that serve no purpose other than ending the life of another.

therefore ban guns.

And sin to match.

>any faggot can have aids, and we are not able to control a faggots desire to rape

>the most we could do is limit the access of dangerous "humans" that serve no purpose other than molesting children.

therefore ban fags.

>biggest terror attacks on US soil done with bombs and planes
Banning guns will just push psychopaths to be more creative

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It had more to do with employment problems

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Cain also kept it to his family and had much better reasons than tranny shooters

one is naturally occuring, the other manufactured with the sole purpose of death

School shootings were NONEXISTENT when America was 90% white AND teens could bring semi-autos to school.

Diversity is a mental health crisis. Men’s health being completely fucked is also a mental health crisis. JFK promoted physical fitness in school and PE was much more rigorous and fostered real athleticism (which is necessary for male mental health). Today’s men are psychopathic trannies and muttcels who live in an era of the great replacement.

So that you more traditionally conservative Americans understand just how horrific diversity is (if you don’t recognize it as the source of all late 20th and early 21st century conflict) recognize that atheist white countries in Europe have better morals on things like abortion (Finland, an atheist country, is stricter on abortion that the religious brown shitholes in America).
Diversity is objectively worse than Godlessness. The modern world has proved that being homogenous white makes a society more moral than a God fearing brown. The political implications of this are staggering, when you truly understand what this means.

tools are naturally occurring when it comes to humanity. that's a fallacious appeal to nature

>one is naturally occuring
>the other manufactured with the sole purpose of death

Nor this

>>extended clips
Kys no gun faggot

black skin is mark of cain btw
the fraticide
brother killer
and homicide rates by race are best proof of it

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But you need people with guns to protect society and stuff. Who should have a gun in your opinion?

NEETs win again

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>extended clips
KYS faggot, when you try to shill against guns at least try to learn something about them

Its true, everyone is tempted with the seven deadly sins all the time, its if YOU act on them that creates the problem.