I had some trouble understanding the gold standard at first, because to me gold is a fiat currency...

I had some trouble understanding the gold standard at first, because to me gold is a fiat currency. The pieces of paper only have value because we believe they do, but the same could be said about the shiny rocks.

However, I can't think of anything that would work better as an easily trade-able item that has intrinsic value. I probably won't either, because if there was such an item we would already be using it.

Regardless, does anyone have any ideas for alternative currencies? I considered heroin and land-backed tokens, or maybe tokens for sexual services. A blowjob would never suffer from inflation and people will always want those.

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but gold is so pretty and has a LUSTER that will beguile you

>plebbit spacing
but, yes.
all currency is fiat except for ammo and land.
if you have the ammo, you can take the land.
if you own the land, you own the people on it.

Is Sam Snead your dad?

Oh, I see what you're saying. Human Slaves as currency, then?

gold is useful for electronics so it will always have value. it also can’t be created artificially so effort has to be spent mining it which makes it more valuable

>Gold is the same as fiat currency
Okay, print me up some gold then retard. I'll wait.

Gold makes nice jewellry and has a few technical applications. Gold standard system just leads back to a kike run economy though. The white race needs judenfrei economies. Judenfrei currency. Judenfrei transactions. Judenfrei banking. Judenfrei business. Judenfrei industry. Judenfrei trade.

Attached: occidental_future.png (1500x755, 377.6K)

Gold is created in supernova explosions and neutron star collisions. THOSE ARE THE ONLY WAYS. See why it is valuable now?


Infinitely inflatable.
Also a bad idea to make the backbone of your economy an addictive substance.
A hectare of land in switzerland holds a different value from a hectare of land in the Kalahari. A hectare of land in Detroit 60 years ago had a different value than a hectare of land in Detroit does now. It's a volatile market and easily exploited for speculation and manipulation.

Yes let's tie our economy to resource that we then can't use for industry because its finite and hoarded in national/bank reserves to cover our entire civilizations industrial output
>but banks didn't actually have enough gold to cover everyones money
Which makes it fiat currency which means the gold standard doesn't exist.

Fiat is shit but the gold standard is worse, for any standard to work it has to based off of something that is finite yet at the same time utterly 100% useless for everything else and that doesn't exist

Just because something is bad doesn't mean that replacing it with something worse is an improvement

I know, from the get-go I'd have to make three tokens. Rural Land tokens, City land tokens and Coastal Land tokens.

based retard

Anything can be money. Money is just the most liquid asset, easy and quick to pawn off. Food has been used as money because everybody wants it. Corporation shares are also paper but they are practically as good as money because you could sell them in minutes.
Meanwhile i have a bunch of "money" in a pension fund i can't touch until im like 60 but they still call this totally-not-liquid asset "money". Its all propaganda

What about tokens for everything? Bread tokens, beef tokens? A pound of beef can't be subject to inflation. I could put little cows on the tokens for the beefy ones and little loafs of bread on the bread ones? A non-numerical coin system, it's just the barter system, but smaller.

Everything would be tokens with little pictures on it. Handguns, prostitution, spices, whatever. I guess everyone decides for themselves what something is worth.

>one of my handgun tokens for 50 of your beef tokens

would that work?

This is a fucking beautiful cat

No the soviets tried it and it failed spectacularly

and, AND if I can't figure out how to create a simple easy symbol that will fit on a coin, that's where bills come into play, where I have more space for artwork to represent it.

I looked into the soviets and they did things really strangely for some reason. They would try to predict how much soap they would need for the next year, and then only made that much. Obviously, they predictions were wrong and then everyone starved because their wasn't enough soap to eat.

Why didn't they just make soap indefinitely and keep it in the warehouse or export it overseas if you had a surplus? Trying to exactly match consumption to production sounds impossible. They didn't fail because of communism, they failed because of that.

Which land classifies as which token changes over time. Who decides which plot of land has which value? This leads to a reproduction of the diamond market where a single governing body helps rich get richer by helping them speculate.

A good currency needs to be like gold but better. Gold has scarcity, dividability and in this case universality. An ounce of gold mined in Africahas the same value as one mined in Alaska or god knows where. No one needs to assign a price, since the free market does that for you. And if you have a gold standard then it's also nigh impossible to speculate with currencies.

>Why didn't they just make soap indefinitely and keep it in the warehouse or export it overseas if you had a surplus?
Yes why didn't they just make an infinite amount of everything so everyone would be happy. The world will never know

>I looked into the soviets and they did things really strangely for some reason. They would try to predict how much soap they would need for the next year, and then only made that much
Every single company does this. Also, next year any country will need roughly as much soap as in current year +-5%.

It happens in america.