Is it true that most Any Forumstards here hate/resent their fathers?

Is it true that most Any Forumstards here hate/resent their fathers?

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He started it

you're thinking of Any Forums

My dad was a great man to me and my brothers. I miss him so much.

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My father is a great man, my mother is a bitch.


Havent spoken to my dad in 10 years

Love him but cant stand having a conversation with him

i feel the opposite

Your mother is a great man?

Also fuck you

no she birthed me. how would she be a man?

I fucked your mom in the ass, you jew memeflagot.
She screamed in pain and pleasure

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my dad is ok i guess
bit of a coward and completely boomerbrained but he takes good care of the family

I am the father.

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i dont hate or resent but i pity him. though it would have been awesome to be raised by a conservative, hes a great man and the democrats dont deserve him

Thanks for the laugh bong. God save the queen.

>having parents
>not just having them die on you in your childhood because they couldn't be asked to give a fuck and grow up hated by your entire extended family


This song is really fucking sad jesus christ

I have a great relationship with my parents, they regularly tell me (and other people) how proud they are of me. We don’t see eye to eye on everything, but that’s the case with most parents and their children.

he killed himself when I was 9

a good father figure is important can you guess which party hates that idea

My father had his feet removed this week. After months of doctors running tests and simply telling us they have no idea what was wrong. I've been visting him every day and have accepted that im probably going to be care taking this man until he dies, wiping his ass and so forth.

I hate doctors more than you can possibly imagine. When the collapses comes I will be head hunting them.

I don't hate or resent him at all. He's worked from morning till like 6-8 PM every week for as long as I can remember and provides for us, I don't really have as much of a relationship with him because of the first part but that doesnt mean I hate him

No lol. My dad and my mom are both wonderful parents and I love them.

If only he lived long enough lol

I absolutely hate my mother though

It's true for me. He is an uncaring, deadbeat drunkard who later became a drug dealer after leaving me and my mother homeless when I was 15. also he cheated on my mom, refused to pay child support, and claimed my older sister as a dependent so he could get money from the government despite him never taking care of her. At least he never beat us I guess

>no she birthed me
How can you be sure? Because she told you? Lmao, and you believed her?
All women lie user, some are even lying about being women.

Really? Cause it looks like gibberish to me

jews propagandists are not human.

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sure thing kike whatever you say

Nah he’s cool

I resent thoughtless narcissists who cannibalize their children’s egos to fatten their own, yes.

It's so funny to see the cross over of conflicting narratives on Any Forums

I love my dad, he has taken wonderful care of me. I work hard to make him proud, and hope i can be just as good of a dad for my kids. Is he perfect? Of course not, but I forgive him, and I hope my kids will forgive me for my problems as well.

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Answer us, David!

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yes he cheated on my mother when I was 2 and had children again with a bitch (my 12 year old half-sister says her parents don't like him) and he fired me one night because I didn't want to take the vaccine

jews are so evil!
Bunch of karma sponges

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Nah it's pretty sad.

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Hello there!
Filthy jew
How much filth can your soul take before the Demiurge, inevitably, recycle you

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Nah my dad is based.

I’m drinking beer with the old man and laughing about the retarded contractor we had to deal with today.
He has his flaws but he’s been a hell of a good Dad to me and my bros.
Plus he keeps my drunk ass employed so that’s a bonus.

Thats a good way to see things user.

You should try reddit since you're such a faggot

How can you be so shameless, jew
Post flag

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so is that where you blew in from, i see. very cool user.

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God is my father.

I loved my dad. Died a year ago. I miss him every day.

Do it jude! Or it's gonna become a Hilter /thread

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I'll have you know good sir that I came here from Gaia

I love my dad and grandfather. My great-grandfather and great-grandmother were still around until Covid killed them in 2020. They were in a nursing home that didn't use any protection equipment. Great-granddad was in Vietnam, he got that far off look about him sometimes and he was a mean drunk, but he has some amazing tales.

Mine was a drug addict and died when I was eleven, so no. Can't hate him, I barely knew him.

Memeflag won't respond to real anons, sage this jew

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self-hating white leftist are the ones that resent their father on some level, otherwise they would have an affirmative relationship with their own race.

you fucking memeflaggot nigger.

Why are you making this about parties? Literally anyone can grow up with shitty parents. Read the thread

Israel holiest site has a Mosque on top of it!

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You're really bad at it aren't you, jew?

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