Really, how does it feel that the far-left is far more popular then the far-right?

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idk bro i can't feel anything anymore

90% bots and retards means nothing

>400k bots like this

>look how everyone is against you goy, just give up
imagine falling for this

check out the dead internet theory.

Attached: the 4chan dead internet theory creepypasta.png (2495x1120, 424.64K)

most religious pro life people would home school their children to avoid the indoctrination centers that public teaching has become

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Anyone who is intelligent knows this is a mental health issue, specifically about mens mental health and how much we’ve destroyed masculinity and made it impossible for them to have traditional lives, companionship, and children.

Stupid whores and Cucks think it’s about guns or racism.

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im pretty sure its against the law to be a criminal

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I don't care about women nor their opinions.

thats why


is trending

90% twitter is spam bots

The total twitter userbase is probable around 40k the rest are bots.

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I don't care about popularity. I care about what's morally and factually right.

>Far left
Pick one


So, she’s made a fallacious argument, a transparent one, as all leftists do. She’s in a position of power, as a legislator. I’m sure she can put her money where her mouth is and propose legislation since she’s so outraged. I’ll wait to hear how she handles this.

>81 million votes

Bro only bots and dead people support Democrats.
Even the leftist retards think the Democrats are self serving and ineffective. Nobody cares about the neolibs anymore.

She's right. Enough is enough. It's time to make murder illegal.

>Really, how does it feel that the far-left is far more popular then the far-right?
Clearly this women (and her supporters) are retarded. Which "laws that allow children to be shot" is she talking about?

Last time I checked murder was still illegal.

the most liked individual tweet on twitter is by elon saying hes putting cocaine back in coke. and that only has like 5/6 million likes which is very low compared to "active" users Twitter claims. 70% of twitter is fake accounts

And ten of those weren't even bots!
Unlike OP, remember to report and hide all botspam threads.

also, compare this to youtube where videos get millions more likes, and billions of views. twitter is fake.

>bragging about how many likes this donkey got on Twitter
Cool user. Where is a topic with some substance not a run of the mill politician.

>Mob Rule
>Assumes mob is smart
OP are you a retard?

i didn't know there were laws ALLOWING this. all these things seem very much illegal and only things a criminal would do.

>you can o my have a gun if you use to shoot innocent people
I don’t remember that being a law.

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Like high school, meet you behind the bleachers faggot.

If the left is that popular, why are they losing everything?

>81 million votes
it's always been so disgustingly obvious.
>154 million votes cast between both candidates,
>25 fucking million more votes than the previous record in 2008
>the equivalent of the entire population of New York State decided to vote when they never had before
>every man, woman, and child in one of the most heavily populated states in the country
they should be celebrating the most unbelievably, incredibly successful Get Out the Vote effort in all of human fucking history, but they aren't for some reason.

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>sneak into USA
>use banks to corrupt politicians
>sneak banks into government
>buy up media
>control education
>control internet
>output only your own genocidal, anti-white message
>ban everyone who argues
"how does it feel to be so organically unpopular?"

every white person I know outside of major cities knows that we're being genocided.