I can stop gun violence by 90% over night with 1 simple law ask me how

I can stop gun violence by 90% over night with 1 simple law ask me how

Attached: cool.png (269x435, 248.45K)

Make murder illegal

Make SSRI's illegal.


is that an AK-47 style pistol I just read about?

make jews and nigger illegal.

Weren’t the Nuremberg laws by definition multiple laws?

all wrong

just ban niggers from owning guns, we drop to the gun violence ratio of Switzerland. Look at Maines guns violence's per capita

Outlaw niggers.

Attached: DozLpQjUYAAarnu.jpg (513x463, 38.33K)


Attached: firearm homicides by race.png (594x438, 94.13K)

Attached: firearm homicide death rates by race.png (1080x1920, 232.31K)

My idea actually isn't retarded.

And this is why I will never forgive the south for bringing them here in the first place.

jews brought niggers here user

I knew you'd say that OP

>I will never forgive the south for bringing them here
>the south
There were slaves in the North as well. Isolating the South shows ignorance of the actual scope of slavery. Additionally, it was largely Jewish transport ships that brought them here.

Focus. The South is nothing more than a whipping boy and scarecrow for the US federal government.

But Jews brought them to North America (and South America).

and you can bet jews convinced farmers that it was a good idea

Southern Jews and Anglos both… and the lowland southerners just lapped it all up. Since it appealed to their natural laziness. Have you ever really seen Northern England? They weren’t “sending their best”, but there wasn’t much to start with in the first place.

Jews might've brought the niggers here but the fucking confederates bred them and sold them in markets. They were literally bred like cattle. With the strongest most docile niggers getting all the poon.

>just ban niggers from owning guns

kek most niggers can't own a gun legally anyway.

Removing the 19th isn't "simple"