Give teachers guns. No more school shootings. Simple as

Give teachers guns. No more school shootings. Simple as
The government causes school shootings by designating schools as gun-free zones, not the free market.

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>ban men without family or land having guns
>mass shootings almost drop to zero overnight
Wow... That was hard.

>right-wingers don't trust teachers to teach content.
>right-wingers trust teachers with lethal force to murder children.


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>Give teachers guns
Are you fucking insane? They'll be literally raping your daughter at gun point

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A fucking desert eagle

Most teachers are women.

how about putting a fucking lock at the main door?

schools should already have on campus guards with a gun . this time the cops and guards let the school shooter stay in the school for an hour

Yes, because the shooter was mexican and cops are afraid of being charged a hate crime for shooting a spic.

Most of the teachers are liberal fags who refuse to do it because it’s “not their job.” I would say to them that in that case they can find work in the private sector doing something else if they’re unwilling to do this.

theyd just get fat blax who run at the sound of a fart

u need motivated killers or very well trained ex military

Give groomers guns.
Force faggotry and democrat occultism on kids.
No, let's end the school system - it failed decades ago.
Fire everyone.
No pensions.
No legacy employment.
Prosecute the groomers.
Liquidate the assets.

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>give guns to teacher
>they fuck up using it
>shooting still happens anyway

why are ancaps so convinced firearms automatically = safe

do you really expect Susan Peatree at 53 years old in an elementary school to be able to take out somebody with a gun when they never even go to the range? Schools should have legitimate security, and no I don't mean like a fascist security checkpoint to enter I just mean someone there thats actually military or LEO trained to respond immediately to a threat and get police on scene ASAP if he can't take it out.

Sure, and trained teachers. Maybe some dumbass Karen teacher will not be able to do much against an actual shooter. But she's not the only teacher at school. And also, school shooters would think twice before targeting schools if they know there are many people inside potentially with guns. Their only advantage is the fact that they have a couple minutes before cops arrive. When they arrive, they usually kill themselves or die in the gunfight.

Do you retards know how hard it is to just pick out who could potentially be a shooter in a civilian setting? It's even worse that in the states you have piles of other bullshit like worrying about racial profiling or something. If you false positive a kid and hold him at gunpoint, your life is over. So that means the guards usually don't do shit or just get domed within the first five seconds like that guy in the grocery store shooting. They don't hire special forces operators to do these jobs. Is usually retired boomers with low reaction speed.

just get rid of niggers, spics and kikes and the problem vanishes overnight

>garotte teacher from behind
>or just btfo female teacher
>tale their gun
>epic shootout ensues
Now make kids play Poker and Blackjack during breaks.

That still leaves the white incels who shoot up places because they can't get laid. Like I said above. Only men with families and land should be allowed to own guns.

this shit fucking kills me, just because the kids don't know better yet.

Officers engaged with the shooter before he entered the building. He was able to shoot 2 trained, armed police before killing 19 kids and a teacher prior to him being killed.
You honestly believe arming grade school teachers could have prevented this?

>Mrs. Johnson brings glock to class
>Jerome chimped out for the last time

how many current teachers would even consent to taking a CC class and then actively carrying? Few. They're gone. Schools closed. two birds, one stone.

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Cops waited 1 hour before entering the school.
He had 1 hour to kill those kids and the teachers. Now imagine if he was trapped in the school with a bunch of armed teachers. They barricade and whenever the shooter tries to get in a class, the teacher would just shoot at him

Better idea. Close the schools. All of them. I worked for a school district as a high level administrator for a time. I was praised for my efficacy. I was awarded multiple certificates of merit, my file was filled with praise. I had several glowing references for my next job. Here's the thing though- I left every day 3 hours early and nobody even noticed. They didn't even understand what I did there. Once I realized the type of people I was dealing with, I sometimes made shit up to see if they would figure out I was bullshitting them- they never knew. Behind the scenes, the test scores were manipulated massively. Most of the students were failing and could barely read or write, but because of various policies and loopholes everything was lied about and the students were pushed through to the next grades until graduation. The system is set up to punish administrators for the children failing, so they just don't fail them. Teachers have become professional liars, and it takes a great toll on them. A good portion of fresh education grads don't survive the first year in instruction. It is so, so, so bad. You cannot possibly imagine how much you are failing your children by sending them to modern public school. After seeing what a farce it was, I got out of the arena entirely.... to this day they still sing my praises and use my work as the gold standard for good administration in that district- I barely tried after the first 3 months. Some days I played video games on my laptop for 8 hours straight. Do not, under any circumstances, send your kids to public school. 'You should want to shut them all down if you give even the slightest fuck about what our kids are learning.

Cool, but one caveat. You need to pay them accordingly. Bodyguards make $30k and teachers make $40k. Add those up. Otherwise, do you think teachers are gonna sit through being treated like trash? No one signed up for this shit. Enjoy your empty schools, faggot.

Oh, I forgot, being stupid is “based and redpilled”. You know niggers don’t go to school either, right?

Absolutely. Privatize all schools. Take education away from politicians.

no. give teachers guns AND train them.
oh, but wait, that would mean getting past the infinite bullshit of the teacher's unions and possibly the department of education, and firing teachers who are incompetent