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except beto wasn't killed because the gop is nothing like the ccp

Alright you faggy retards, remedial class is in session. You are here and probably had the stupid idea of responding to whatever the fuck OP said. I bet you weren’t even going to sage this shit either. OP doesn’t give a fuck if you call him a faggot, he only wants your participation. We are getting shilled daily because retards like you keep feeding stupid ass threads and bumping them. IF YOU MUST COMMENT ON A THREAD LIKE THIS, TYPE sage INTO THE OPTIONS BAR. This prevents this shitty thread from being bumped. But really there is no need to say anything at all. Get the fuck out. That’s right user, I’m talking to you. Get the fuck out right now

Speaking Chuck to Sneed

bump for powerful beto

During the Las Vegas shooting Stephen Paddock supposedly expent 3000+ rounds of ammunition over the course of ten minutes from 27 AR-15's with bumpstocks despite the facts that it would have required him to drop a gun after each 30 round magazine was empty, even though videos from survivors show that it was a nonstop stream of ammunition with a firing rate much higher than a bumpstock is capable of producing from multiple locations that appear to be M240 LMG's. More interesting is the fact that after the FBI took over the investigation, his house somehow burned down with all of the evidence, and photos of the hotel room he shot from only show 50 spent shells. Years later we still have no motivation, and there was strangely no follow up on the biggest mass shooting in US history. Most confusing is that the day after his brother had numerous press interviews where he claimed it made no sense, he was arrested for possessing several hundred terabytes of child porn on a 20 year old computer running Windows 95, at least according to the photos taken by the FBI

February. 2, 2018, Paddock texted a prostitute "...telling her he’s a government experiment and that they are listening to everything he says and does, and they can hack into his brain and take over.”

Paddock worked at the IRS for several years, and might've gathered intel on secret government projects and cover-ups making him a bigger threat, so they framed and killed the bastard

beto is a mick using a mexican name who also drives drunk (also a mexican thing to do)

human trafficker

idk, if it's hilarious or disgusting that a dancing, power-hungry clown is mocking the sacrifices of the oppressed Chinese.

Attached: beto beta rourke.jpg (719x923, 84.95K)

Tank man
>literal embodiment of "Die like a man or kneel like a bitch"
Beta 'O cuck
>Pwease government, please execute me and my family, pwetty pwease

This is bait.

Lulz. These are grown people who want to be ur leaders and they post this shit.

no, that's power speaking to power... trying to gain the upper hand by exploiting the emotional brain.


no motive btw

Wait, they ran over Beto with a tank too?

Conservtards shipped most jobs to china, like trump candidate david purdue.Conservative don't conserve anything boomer faggot.

Beta has enriched himself as a result.

What did Tank Man gain?
What was his name?
What political office does he occupy today?

Faggot shills are working overtime today
> look at this photo i found of beta STANDING
> standing???? Thats just like tank man
> exactly tank man was standing!!!!!
> do you worry that the remarkable thing about that image is the tank, not that a man is standing up?
> i dont worry about that at all!!!!!!!
> me neither!!! Lets kiss!!!!

Fucking dumb glowniggers

>Paddock texted a prostitute "...telling her he’s a government experiment and that they are listening to everything he says and does, and they can hack into his brain and take over.”

This legit sounds like something a person experiencing psychosis would say

Glowie tagging the thread

That cuntwaffle has never been based for a single second in his worthless life.

Right or left, same shit different asscheek.

was he wearing a diaper during that confrontation?

Can someone clear this up for me???? Do guns or drunk drivers kill more people year over year? I wonder if he took his car away from himself forever? No. Did he yell at himself ? No. But he is a deadly drunk driver? Should we just lock him up?

Why does this tribe of people hate america so much?

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