The problem isn't that burgers kill each other...

The problem isn't that burgers kill each other. The problem is that their negligent gun laws allow for these instruments of death to be proliferated far outside the reaches of their borders too.

Canada's worst mass shooting: AR-15 assault-style rifle smuggled into the country from the United States.

Over 200 shootings in Toronto last year: over 90% of the weapons seized originate from the United States.

The carnage, of course, doesn't stop there.

Mexico: AR-15 rifles from the United States empower cartel narco-terrorists, and are almost solely responsible for the tens of thousands of firearm deaths in the country -- many of which are innocent bystanders.

France's 2015 mass shooting: hundreds of people gunned down by terrorists wielding AK-style rifles sold to the US civilian market and then illegally diverted to Europe.

When will Amerishit gun nuts finally get a clue? People aren't mad that you're killing each other. We're mad that your retarded gun laws arm and empower terrorists and criminals across the globe, fueling violence in OUR communities.

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Imagine reading all that

I literally do not care if black people in Toronto shoot eachother

go fuck a dog it is a tradition for you after all
cope about burgers later

Police your fucking borders then

Fuck back up Trudeau's ass Leaf

Shouldn't need to. The impetus is on America to not have fucktarded gun laws (or lack of thereof). 'Blind spots' in the border are necessary for irregular migrants and war victims to lawfully seek refuge -- every country is supposed to have them. They aren't meant for gunrunners to smuggle the weapons they bought at a gun show without even a background check.

Defund the poli-ACK

>'Blind spots' in the border are necessary for irregular migrants and war victims to lawfully seek refuge
most retarded statement I've ever read on this site

Many of the weapons in my country literally came through operations of the US federal government itself, so stop talking nigger.

even if we ban "ar-15 assault-style rifles" some retard will just buy a bunch of handguns and magazines

...which is an argument for banning all guns, not just one rifle. Every gun is capable of such wholesale murder. In fact, way more people die from handguns than rifles -- they should actually be first to go.


Everything Canadian’s say here is the most retarded, faggoty, bullshit I’ve ever read. You guys are seriously such pathetic pussies

>I literally do not care if black people in Toronto shoot eachother
I could stop all the shootings in Toronto quite easily with one neutron bomb.

I care that they aren't shooting enough white '''people''' in Toronto.


Don't try to use facts and logic against Americans they are all fat and stupid.

always a fucking leaf.

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Yep, I can kill people just as easy with my 3030 Marlin lever action.

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You dumb fucker, that shooting was ALLOWED by the RCMP on purpose, the shooter was a police informant, and it was for Trudeau to push legislation.

Police your borders then nigger.

Also, fuck the CBSA.

You people can't tell the difference between reality and filmed, broadcasted & swallowed propaganda! Most of the 'mass' shootings is about as real as 'Star Wars' or 'The Munsters' !
THEY WILL NEVER TAKE AMERIMUTT'S GUNS! No matter how many hours and Millions spent on propaganda television Slaughtermercials!

I only came here to say hail Legault! , Vivre le Québec libre! and god I love seeing anglos seethe and cope about our french ethnostate's recently adopted language legislations. Their salty tears are immense , you can see liberals crying about this is a form of "ethnic purging" pwahahaha.

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So you admit your authoritarian gun laws aren't fixing the problem. Thanks for yet another confirmation, back to plebbit with you now.

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To be fair if there were no weapons in Mexico, beaners would still kill other beaners but in a more gorish way. That's their subhuman nature

then they'll just switch to cars and knives. It's a people problem not a tool problem