The people are the problem

Everyone is talking about guns and have said very little on the topic of mental health, proper parenting, proper socialization, etc
*Its literally all about the guns*

Let's be real, a dude this unstable could've gone into a school with a chainsaw or a kitchen knife and done just as much damage in a *far* more gruesome fashion

Hell he literally could've just ran people over and plastered kids in that fat ass truck

All of the tools and shit we interact with on a regular basis are usable as weapons in some shape or form
We just don't give a fuck because the average, well-adjusted person doesn't snap or get groomed and go on a rampage, *because they're well adjusted*

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why does the media never talk about the link between psychotropic medication and SSRIs and mass shootings? Are the shills for the pharma industry or something?

really user?

>Why do the jews never talk about how the jews are doing evil things for the sake of the jews?

Do you even need to be crazy to be a cunt ? this guys was far more sane than the world he lives in

Synopsis: corruption, liberalism, mass divorces. all the signs for the collapse of society predicted by the prophecies are showing. in this social turmoil, an expected young British man resolves to act, to bring about the final collapse, the day of retribution.

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My favorite part about spergs is how they’re immune to sarcasm

my favorite part about spergs is that they think sarcasm translates perfectly through text alone

>Let's be real, a dude this unstable could've gone into a school with a chainsaw or a kitchen knife and done just as much damage in a *far* more gruesome fashion
dude not a chance
guns have a much higher range and speed. You can kill people much easier, faster and from a distance as well

Because the people pushing this are completely disingenuous and overall mentally damaged. They know forcing gun control doesn't work. They just use it as an excuse that in the end only benefits their continued power grabs. Going after mental health issues would immediately target them and 90% of their voterbase. Even though, that is the real solution. If all guns/gun owners were the problem, then all guns/owners would be causing the problems, which they aren't. It is entirely a convenient excuse for a further agenda.

dont forget, the biggest side effect of SSRIs is suicidal ideation and disinhibition especially early on in treatment, truly an amazing "antidepressant"

The government wants to disarm you not treat your mental health. And they definitely don't care about the kids, they want more to die for more justification to disarm

Its been non-stop threads talking about guns and trannies. The point is mute though. Terrorist attacks have been commited without guns by lone murders and not all the mass shooters are trannies. I would like to know why their isnt real research on going with these types to address their commonalities. We used to have all sorts of studies done on the 70s serial killers. Why nothing creditable for mass shooters? Just the same rhetoric,
>guns bad, white people bad, ban the constitution.

There were no school shootings before 'gay lib'. Putting faggots back in the closet would cure a lot of problems.

this isn't even real lmao

No, the problem is demons and a culture of apathy. You can teach "science" in schools but you can't teach religion, yet you ask a "person of science" for some factual evidence of their theories that they teach in schools and they won't give it to you.

The current generation speaks of killing themselves constantly as a joke and you think they value human life? How many school shootings were there back when everyone believed in God? It's a lack of Christian upbringing. It's a lack of having a reason for existence. It's a lack of a strong family home that is kept in place by faith and a system of morality that has been destroyed in this country.

Demons crawl into the hole left by an absence of God.

I wonder which of the American parties is against banning guns and proper healthcare.

It's funny to read the mental gymnastics mutts will perform in order to try to justify every 20 IQ nigger's totally unrestricted right to get a gun

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Trannies are the problem

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>narrative shift to mental health
>republicans are crazy
>christians are mental

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There's no solution through legislation.

#1. The United States has an outrageous amount of guns in circulation that you would never be able to seize. People WILL start insurgencies over this in this country. It would be a civil war, or at least cause tons of violence.

#2. The southern border of the United States is unsecure with Mexico, where drug cartels have mountains of guns that they could easily import and sell. They would love for there to be restrictions. Democrats in this country simultaneously call for open borders and no security while also wanting to magically ban guns. They go buy weed from a drug dealer and don't understand that people would do the same thing with guns.

#3. The conservative Supreme Court will rule any sort of legislation unconstitutional. The second amendment is very clear. The purpose of gun ownership in the USA is to be able to rise up against governmental tyranny. Restricting our ability to own "assault weapons" limits our ability to do that.

There’s no solution through legislation because the 2nd amendment is in the constitution and no law can violate the constitution. A constitutional convention is necessary to ban guns but that will never ever happen and the democrats will never try it because the public is dead against it. The summer of 2020 permanently ended the gun control debate.

I noticed nobody cares about motive anymore.