How can we realistically stop the replacement of europeans by muslims?

How can we realistically stop the replacement of europeans by muslims?

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Nothing can be done until Evolution is accepted as the White religion.

By removing globohomo first and foremost

Realistically? You can't

Increase white racial consciousness. Everything will sort itself out after that. We need to rekindle the nationalist spirit.

>You can't
But you. What do you want in return for it, Shlomo?

Gas traitors. Gas people who can be bribed. Gas anyone with Jew DNA.

Corrupt the Muslims by bastardizing Islam and inducing our culture onto them...'muslims' in my hometown fucking drink alcohol and smoke weed ffs

So brown middle easterners aren't bad as long as they behave like degenerate leftists?

lmao but you're literally DO know...kill them...real simple, it got you guys Israel...but yeah, as long as society is liberal then were fucked.

First, a promise of money, then tell them, "next, you will simply leave, with no money". And carry out what you said.

It'd probably help to have a white baby boom, though, and a Hitler figure.

You don't.

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Other than physically removing them, nothing. Whites will continue to flee at the mere sight of a darky or paki moving into their area until our backs are against the wall and can flee no further, or the country collapses. There will be no other options

There was once one of your countrymen who had an idea. What was his name?

kek, at least the gypsies don't spare them. see on the right of the picture

Remove those importing them? Stop destabilizing the region? Stop couping strongman leaders that keep them in their shitholes in favor of le democratic kike puppet? Let's not kid ourselves, the only answer you're interested in hearing is "autistically screetch at the 80 IQ retards funneled to the country for free gibs*. They're the symptom, not the cause.

>he thought that islam was something else than morale justification for coming in europe, even as a 2nd class citizen.

every year that goes by without evidence of intermediary species, evolution becomes less believable.

muzzies do that anyway. all that changes when they get to europe is they get the money to engage in that behavior. muzzie elites in all muzzie countries are partying 24/7.

>deport refugees
>take away citizenship
>ban mosques
>ban Islamic clothing
>stop government gibs to foreigners
>stop legal immigration from outside of Europe
>crack down on crime within these areas
>stop incentive to immigrate to the country
>revoke citizenship to foreign criminals
This leaves them with two options chimp out and we make you leave or fuck off back to your own country or another cucked country in Europe

On Any Forums "realistic" solutions are pipe dreams that would require violent revolutions and reorganization of the nation's psyche and societal self-image while every actual, personal and doable deed gets ridiculed as stupid, misguided or faggotry.