What food should I be stacking? I bought 1kg porridge oats, 1kg dry pasta, 1 kg rice

What food should I be stacking? I bought 1kg porridge oats, 1kg dry pasta, 1 kg rice

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Janny bodies. Use sparingly as fertilizer, because they're toxic.


Water. If there is a nuclear exchange, it will be the single most valuable thing you own.

tell me

None, nothing is going to happen covid scare/chug tranny

>3kg of food
you’re all set for a week. god bless

Doesn't look to be much meet on that rodent, maybe get a pig or goat instead, or at least rabbits.

>Rookie numbers.jpg

Beef Jerky
Canned meat
Animal fat (horde it)

Beans and rice make a complete protein. Beans and rice will get you far, bong buddy. Pickled and canned good are also good. MREs should also be kept on hand as no preparation is required. Idk I could keep going but I know you’re not going to listen to any of this advice and your father clearly never taught you how to survive so it might just be over for you, Nigel.

i stack mackerel, couscous, other tinned goods, and cereal.
carbs are good when you don't want to die

>1kg of starchy carbs
>1kg of starchy carbs
>1kg of starchy carbs

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Thats like 4 euros in food though

Be nice to your countryman, Bong

You need a 100X

You should try living with them

Look at my flag and then tell me about how bad your countrymen are. It’s over for us Americans.

At least you can 'innawoods'. I'm not being dramatic, there is literally nowhere to go here. You're never more than an hours drive from a sizeable population centre.

Pussy. You need to be eating pussy. Nigger.

>there is literally nowhere to go here.
the main reason I hate this place. Of all the reasons, that is the one

100lbs of rice
100lbs of canned vegetables
1/2 cow in freezer

Potato flakes
Ghee (most shelf stable fat source)
Peanut butter powder (make your own, costs a fortune otherwise)
Hardtack (requires no water to prepare, unlike flour, though you should be storing that too)
Pulses of any kind

It wouldn't be so claustrophobic if it wasn't for the planning laws. Fucken mouse utopia shithole

Yeah, yeah, but everyone's got to start somewhere.

It's a start at least. But to do this properly is not going to be cheap. If you can afford to do it, you should be buying in bulk. Think 50kg bags of rice, not 1kg. And then you need to be putting those bags in good containers that rats can't chew through. As others have pointed out, you've made a start on carbs, and that's not a bad thing, but you're going to want meat, vegetables and fruit for protein, vitamins and minerals, so start looking at canned foods, and see what you can buy in bulk to grow your stockpile quickly and most cost-efficiently.

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I really wish you guys were still a global empire. Those days seem like they would have been so comfy.

carbs are better than nothing.

Stack canned meats like Spam

thankyou man

I love spam but it's so expensive it's unreal

How do you take out parts of the cow without refreezing it?

Maybe because bong. I don't know what else is cheap in terms of protein so monitoring this thread.

I mean beans, stack lots of beans


At least we beat Germany though haha imagine if we hadn't haha

>Beef auf Deutsch

>I don't know what else is cheap in terms of protein
Wheat protein. Nobody is gluten intolerant when shtf.

he's back

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I heard soda crackers are good with peanutbutter

You buy the cow already butchered, local farmers sell them in 1/4,1/2 or whole portions at about $4/lb, rice is $0.50/lb, and canned vegetables from aldi are $0.49-0.54/pound

You has a show in the UK called Freaky Eaters. There were people that ate only "chips" for 7-9 years, nothing else. They didn't have major health problems. So you could probably eat only oats for a year without problems.

every time you mow your lawn, bale it, you're gonna need it

I'm not sure what kind of canned goods Brits have, but I'm sure it's similar to what's over here. Try to get some tinned stew or hearty soups. At least 100 servings eventually. You don't need to eat one every day during a serious SHTF scenario, but it will be a nice little morale boost from the rice and beans. A few bottles of hot sauce will go a long way too. If you have access to any outside space, try growing a potato box. It's very simple, takes up very little room, and will give a lot of food if done correctly.