Are there any actual arguments against gun control?

Are there any actual arguments against gun control?

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Australia and New Zealand are cucked people. Not much you can do there.
t. mexican who went to NZ to fuck their woman without a condem.

Why is that aussie chick so interested about murican shit?

Yes, there are. The first of which is simply "No".

No. Every pro gun American invokes some god bullshit. Its a democracy and the majority want it.

>Globohomo posterchild promotoes more globohomo

Yeah, not having any guns is fucking gay.

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How can i tell her to go home.


A well-armed populace stops dictators from taking power.

no, just appeals to emotion and an ancient document written by rich jews who convinced peasants to die so they could pay less taxes

Yeah, 2A.
Kill yourself nigger faggot kike.

The fact New Zealand and Australia have concentration camps prepared for the unvaccinated ?

The 23 million guns sold last year say differently nigger

It's fucking idiotic isn't it? We had absolutely no issues with them for decades until one aussie came over and ruined everything with the expressed intent to get guns banned here and do-gooders like jacinda jumped at the opportunity.

People that are anti-gun aren't really anti-gun. They're pro-the government has all the guns. Which makes sense that they would think that given the authoritarian nature of the left and how they think everyone needs to submit to the state.

Guns are keeping Ukraine alive right now. Also, people love spouting gun control but don't have a plan. They can yell stricter background checks all they want but if you do not have a criminal record then you will always be able to get a gun. Too many guns exist already for you to ever actually control it. Blacks in NYC get arrested with an illegal gun and are back on the street a day later.

She is part of 5 eyes, an anglo circlejerk.

I don't want to ban guns, in fact I want to disband the ATF and bar every worker there from federal jobs for life, but I unironically think our murder rates would go down if guns were banned (not that I care).

Statistics dont work they way you want them to you fat ugly yank faggot

Then call a convention and let's do this. No gunz goyim

(((Are there any actual arguments for freedom?)))
((What should we (((vote))) to take away from you next?)))

And tell them to send bachelors

Guns don't kill people.
Bullets do.

Same as;
Car accidents don't kill people.
Wheels do.
Gasoline does.
Internal combustion does.


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Why the long face?

It's called freedom and shity people. There is definitely an argument it's called the Constitution and self-preservation. About to realize why that's so important you are

>Why the long face?
Chkt, like a late stage version of Michael Jackson

Hey nigger, as she said this, gangs went on a shooting spree putting bullets into the windows of at least 10 homes randomly. Gun crime hasn't dropped at all since taking semi autos from law abiding citizens. Why the fuck would it?