Monkeypox set to kill vaxxies only

>Mortality low except in advanced concurrent HIV.

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>still telling yourself that like 80% of the world now has super HIV

what is your life like? can you take a picture of where you are sitting right now with a timestamp? I'm really curious.

>what is your life like?
A moment of reflection..... HIV negative.

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i'll send you $5 on venmo or whatever if you take a picture of your surroundings right now with a timestamp. what's the harm in doing it? I can do it if you want.

what the fuck are you talking about? you want to see this guys computer desk or something??

> i'll send you $5 on venmo
who could ever refuse lol

>what is your life like? can you take a picture of where you are sitting right now with a timestamp? I'm really curious.
You first

checked. note the color of the ID

>you want to see this guys computer desk or something??

yeah, I want to see his socioeconomic status, home, and the way he keeps his environment. problem?

you don't think those things tell you anything, especially cleanliness?

I bet he smokes cigarettes inside his trailer.

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why? hes a loser (as are you)...who cares?

>I bet he smokes cigarettes inside his trailer.

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im looking at Any Forums on a tv that cost more than OPs monthly bills bro

Besides being paid to spy on imageboard site, glowie aslo begs for dick pics..fucking feds

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>it's all a conspiracy, i'm not a diabetic in a trailer

you know the reason you don't want to post your hand is because it's both brown and obese.

>Tries to get details on his location
>Offers fiat nigger cash in exchange
>Reddit spacing
>smug ass "problem?"
>Thinks cigarettes aren't based
>Assumes there's something wrong with living in a trailer
Kill yourself glow tranny. The pox is coming for your gaping HIV infected gash.

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Do you know what exactly HIV or ADS is?

Faggots faking on drugs few days in a row get exhausted, body depleted of nutrient's minerals for normal fonktion and they have got basked of symptoms, that jew rats call HIV " soon you will die and the only way to escape you need to take a poison, biological weapon, experimental injection as "mentioned" from ADS"
They bull shiting people in order to inject them = control population carry one selective breeding process (eugenics), save money that other ways suppose to go to pensions and elderly care costs.
That the why to prune the garden, is accept from kikes suggested to imagine stuff and get injection = control of your life given to authority.

If we give power to the few freaks, they will fuck up whole society and that is what is happening.

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>overspending on consumer electronics
This is supposed to be a brag?

>you don't want to post your hand
Figures, a tranny groomer mad his kind was used to spread the plague. Enjoy being dead faggot.

Ooh. That's bad.

i told you gheys its not monkey pox its incurable gonorrhea. its never fatal in all subjects observed over time in vietnam where it was found. unlike its normal counterpart that kills you wit gangrene. necrotic tissue builds faster than the immune system can eat it. the incurable version has a longer gestation cycle and typically cant actually do much but because there is no treatment option they kept people in a hospital like quarantine with staff on hand. they accepted euthanization after a couple decades tops never being allowed to leave

if you had aids or hiv then incurable gonorrhea would probably kill you

alternately some of it isnt either monkey pox or incurable gonorrhea its just black people getting sunburned with abnormal solar output spikes. the protection in the skin isnt normalized. some areas have less melanin . so when a black person gets sunburned bad it kind of is like that. spotty blistering. white people can get long blisters from sever sunburn

low mortality but loads are gonna get the pockmarks