What would it actually take for you to give your guns up? Honest question

What would it actually take for you to give your guns up? Honest question.

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It would require my government to be trustworthy, so it isn't gonna happen

They state and private security give up all of theirs

My death

Nothing. The glowies are unironically slaughtering innocent lives for nothing. They should stick to faking it like the Sandy Hook hoax.

No Jews, no poos, no blacks, no gays.

I'd need a giantess to stuff me in her asshole

It's not worth it man, the crime rate in the UK is high as fuck and we DON'T have guns, you either remove every single possible way a person can kill another person, or fix the issue where someone has decided to kill another person, simple as

not a fucking thing, plain and simple.

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Energy shields that render all fast projectile weapons useless thus forcing us to return to medieval weaponry like swords and knives.

Not gonna happen as long as 2A is still there.

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Better guns

If a girl would hold my hands I wouldn't be able to hold a gun.

Absolutely nothing. I will shoot anyone that tries. Come at me niggers.

an ethnostate and nothing less.

Are you looking to make a bargain?

If the government gave me a permit to hunt Niggers with a cross bow

kill yourself dataminer

The death of all nonwhites.

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The complete and total extermination of all jews, chinks, spics, niggers, faggots, and trannies.

idk, gonna buy one this week, then i'll see what it would take. probably just more money. i mean, realistically, what am I gonna do when threatened at gunpoint to turn in my guns, which will be the precedent before the one-world technocracy anyway?

In polite company I'd say a repeal of the 2nd amendment. In reality, nothing could actually convince me.

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For all of mankind to submit to me as their God-King

You would have to give me better guns. I'd like a full-auto, please

the government giving up all of it's Armaments: every tank, jet, ship, gun, ect. all of it. then and only then will i give up my gun.

It would require all homosexuals to not buttfuck new diseases into existence.

Once i'm dead they are all yours. So come and get them faggots. That's what.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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Sex with a woman

total ban on abortion, death for women that get one.
You ready to deal or nah?

Degenerate tattoos. Shoot it.


Is she a commie?

Only if the government gives up their’s first

Once all feds and their families are executed, the government is reduced to 1% of its size, and all niggers and spics are thrown out and banned from America...I MIGHT give up just.. nah fuck you! Come and take it

>What would it actually take for you to give your guns up?
I will never cede my rights. Get it through your nigger head.

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Better guns, maybe laser guns. or an 80% culling of the population

Fools. You don't understand.


I wanna suck her boobs

you posted my answer for me

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All anti gun people leaving the US


Everyone in the world except me dropping dead

I’ll give up the second amendment if you exterminated the Jews. We have a deal?

Daily blowjobs from Soe for the rest of my natural life

Well regulated

We all do, user. Even the straightest MILF lurking here wouldn't say no.

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White ethnostate.

Make wolfgirls real and then we can talk.

No more government, jews, and brown people

A complete change in human nature to the point that we live in a Disney movie rather than reality.

This isn't about politics, it's about preserving my life.

What would it actually take for you to give up every other constitutional right? Yeah.

Control of the corn syrup cartels. This is non negotiable.

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yeah Im gonna go daily blowjobs too

Any Forums to go a day without a gun thread :3

I only have a handgun and a shotgun that never leave the house. Don't come start shit at my front door and I won't ever use it.

wild animals though

See, the problem is you’re looking at guns the wrong way. Think of them like vaccines.

Guns protect the body politic against the illness of crime. That’s why government officials like soldiers and police officers all carry guns. This is like getting your first two Moderna shots, in order to set a baseline of protection for the body.

Sometimes, the source of the crime is the leadership class itself. This is why you can’t let just the military and police have guns - over time, that protection can wane as the politician variants evolve and learn to escape that threat.

Think of each citizen that carries firearms as a booster shot to the body politic. Honestly, the more boosters the better. It provides an extra layer of protection that you just can’t get from the first two shots.

Are there sometimes adverse reactions? Yes, but they’re rare. And why do police killings, school shootings, and foreign invasions happen more often in countries like the USA? Well, it’s like when you vaccinate 90+% of the population and the vaccinated end up hospitalized at higher rates than the unvaccinated. It’s not because the vaccines don’t work - actually, it’s the opposite, that means they’re working. To look at it otherwise is to peddle disinformation.

Guns are safe and effective. Why would you “give up” your vaccines?

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name a time in history where the government didn't make power grabs when they were disarmed?
Even if we had a monoculture like Switzerland, and thus they were rare.

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>What would it actually take for you to give your guns up? Honest question.
abolish all rights of females.

>White ethnostate.
Jesus Christ, a White Ethnostate would require every single White man to be part of the military to protect it and the civilians to be even more armed than the USA. Simply because if it wasn't, ZOG would overrun it.

no blacks, no ethic gangs (therefore no non-whites), government with limited powers

1 hour with the slut in the picture and 1 million dollars will suffice.

There is no material good I can think of that would be worth trading away my own right to self-defense.

I would trade it for the end of women's rights to work and vote

Send the jews and niggers with a one way ticket to mars.