In America you can buy a gun in an hour or less

Go to store
Pick out gun
You now have a gun

This is called FREEDOM

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>needing to pay
kek the fed got you all wrapped up and shit

Oh cool a bait thread
Not in blue states you can’t

Get rid of all niggers and spics and watch violent crime dwindle down to almost nothing.

sounds good to me


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Great. I like it when mutts kill each other. Dead mutts give me a hard peepee, no matter what "race" they are supposed to be. Only a dead mutt is a good mutt.

>pass instant background check
it is instant if your record is spotless. If you have a common name or if you've had run-ins with any kind of law enforcement (DUI's, expunged felonies, parole or community service in lieu of a felony conviction) you will almost certainly be delayed or even denied. I sell guns and do paperwork 5 days a week.

yes you can
t. oreganon

do you have any fun stories about people getting turned down?

I like that there's always comparisons to countries that don't have sizable black or hispanic populations forced onto them

I should be able to buy a gun in under a minute. Any longer is an infringement of my 2nd Amendment rights.

Also, in states that accept concealed carry permits in lieu of a background check, having that permit gives the state police your consent to run frequent checks on your background.

nothing wrong with a gun. i could kill lots of people with a car if i wanted. are we supposed to ban those?

I heard Ukraine was giving them out for free

In NY you can instant buy(guy calls fbi w ur info) shotguns and rifles but not pistols.
I don't see this as a bad thing though.
Raise your kids right and they won't shoot up their school.

>do you have any fun stories about people getting turned down?
I don't turn many people down. It's usually when I've worked at more conservative stores and we turn people down for smelling like pot even though it's legal now. When people get denied on their background checks we aren't told why. My store prints off an FBI brochure to walk people through contacting the FBI and appealing their denials.

Anyone making any claim about gun laws in America that is not discussing them on a state-by-state basis clearly has no fucking idea what they are talking about.

God I wish it was this easy in CA.

On week two of waiting to get my fucking double barrel.

What do you get for making up random bullshit online op?

Demarius down the road will sell me a full auto draco and a glock 19 with a switch.

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Yeah if you have a conceal carry permit they don’t make you wait it’s pretty based

In Russia i can sit in a class and say: NIGGER, WHORE, FUCK FEMINISM. and the professor only gonna laugh and say calm down.

Thats what freedom is. Just cause you have some boom stick and sit scared in your housr and cant say shit doesnt mean you have freedom.

If you say smthn against the gov narrative in USA u gonna lose your job, and niggers instantly get the right to stop your head

Fuck, why are americans such pathetic fags??

Getting a gun in ANY country (speedrun)

>find a criminal
>buy a gun


>buy a few springs and some tubing

I mean its pretty close, you got another definition of freedom?

It's like these shills know nothing of even the last two years.
NEW ZEALAND as an example
This is hilarious crap after covid garbage

This. Also New York CITY has over twice the population of New Zealand. All comparisons are retarded.

It's supposed to be a Leaf posting "shall."

Attached: Shall.png (614x600, 531.15K)

Now try telling your professor that Russia should pull out of Ukraine

Hahaha retard you live in a police state and can’t wrongspeak or wrongthink. Trust state comrade. Send little nephew to chernoble

You still have to wait in Florida unless you have a CCP.

>live in Nashville, tn
>go into gun store by old hickory blvd
>ask to buy shotgun first time gun owner
>pickup a ks7
>fill out paperwork which takes about 6 minutes
>tell me they're gonna run a NICS background check and that it might take a couple days
>takes my info and driver's license to run through NICS system
>takes 5 minutes for it to come back clean
>buy my 500$ aliens pulse rifle looking abomination
>leave store after total of 30 minutes

Yeah under an hour is right, but in that under an hour is a background check required by law that. A background check leftists are sperging over saying it does not exist while pushing more background check laws.

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I can say that, but its gonna be dumb. Why would i say, that Russia should alloe ukrainian nazis to genocide russian in LNR DPR. You see, im not a cuck like you. I can say that but its like saying "i like faggots". Goes against my nature

>concealed carry permits in lieu of a background check
That's a perk I didn't know about when I got mine. I live in a constitutional carry state, but wanted reciprocity with a few other states that I travel to with some frequency. Just have to take a class every five years and I just plop that bad boy down and walk out with another firearm.

They simply want to disarm us. Wish leftists would just outright say this so the facade of civility is lifted

You only have to pay for the first gun retard. After that you can get all the rest for free.

>i could kill lots of people with a car if i wanted. are we supposed to ban those
You bet your sweet ass the leftists want to ban cars. More specifically they want to take your steering wheel away and have you ask Google's permission to go anywhere.

"Police state" Hahahah, try to find even one article where a russian police shoot someone. It just non existan problem here. I can punch a cop in a face and its gonna be smthn like 15 days in jail and nothing else. You just watch too much of CNN central, little bitch

And that's awesome.
Look at that other shithole. What if someone or something was actively threatening your life? What if it was mostly verbal? Cops aren't gonna do shit, they're gonna wave things along and do their bullshit elsewhere. The person in the second country would be dead before the gun arrived.

God made man, Colt made man equal.

Yep, that’s how it should be you troon, except no background check required.

In Ukraine all guns are free and paid by US taxpayers.

Damn, a whole HOUR? NICS must be busy today

when was that implemented? in the 50s you could just buy a gun and walk out right?

what kind of things show up on the instant check in the US? Like would a TRO from30 years ago show up? How about having been sent to a psych ward fro observation but never committed? How about an F arrest that was CWOF'ed?

That's just efficiency, which is usually a good thing. The background check is the most important safeguard. Character references are a waste of time, people just put down their most normal friends and relatives that they know will say good things about them. The gun safety course might be good for first-time buyers, but it would be redundant after the first purchase someone makes. Interviewing a spouse / next of kin/ etc. and visiting a person's home are intrusive and unnecessary, and purely for show. Overall, it just looks to me like our system is better