Are landlords parasites?

Are landlords parasites?

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No, renters who don't pay up are parasites.

I'll take the bait.

If you want a roof over your head you are going to need to buy one, build one, or rent one. Anyone that expects someone else to buy, build, or rent (not to mention maintain) one for them is the true definition of parasite.

No, but they're often shitty people.

Yes, This Thread is over.

No. Renters are parasites. The only benefit they provide is to give me money to make our community nice and livable.

It’s not as much them as it is the egregious state of the housing and rental market. Low supply and high demand.

Yes. They buy up limited resources required for life, including land and building materials which raises the cost for anyone else who needs them, then they gouge people for infinite profit over time. It's no different than selling water after a natural disaster for $50 a gallon, except the people selling water for insane markup aren't as bad because you actually own the water after the deal. Nobody should be permitted to speculate on anything necessary for life.

Yes but you can't really blame them. They are just taking advantage of the old serf system that still remains in place today.

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>They buy up limited resources required for life, including land and building materials which raises the cost for anyone else who needs them, then they gouge people for infinite profit over time.

Nailed it on the head mate. This is why I've always said there should be a limit on how many properties a citizen can own. Landlords buying up entire streets for profit is just obscene, these could be family homes.

If they are jews, then yes. But they would be parasites anyway.

go buy a house loser and stop complaining

The landless are the real parasites

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tenants are parasites

Plenty of families rent houses. Your communist shihole country runs on council houses, yet you complain about private citizens, not the government owning the land. Get your head on straight. I hope your dumbass fucking government doesn't let foreigners buy up land, but china owns like half of canada so I'm not optimistic.

For once I agree with the depopulation fags, you can't have sex unless you've secured funds for your children to buy a home and pay for their education or proven 100% sterile- and then not back to the way it is now until globalist fags finally get the population numbers they seek, fuck markets, fuck the wealthy elites. We've all contributed to this shitshow game...You want things to get back to reasonable lifestyles?
>A)stop fucking like rabbits
>B)stop pretending humanity will always innovate her way out of a shitshow, especially with greed as a primary motivator

Boomers and jews are parasites, yes.

This is only because government regulation let's them. If people could actually build houses without so many damn regulations and zoning rules and multiple permits that take months to process etc. Then you'd see far more people building houses and there would be more supply which would drive the cost down.

3 good replies right off the bat.

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>Plenty of families rent houses
You missed the point so completely I have to doubt you're a real human.

Nigel failed to make a salient point. I worked as a property manager for a while. Had to do evictions, fix peoples' literal shit, the whole nine yards. Stop complaining.

In my town redditors are complaining about no rentals because of landlords only doing airBandB now. Then the landlords respond "cause you fucking blue haired assholes trash our places"

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Yes. Rent seeking is the highest form of kikery, it adds nothing of value to society. Anyone who defends landlords are nothing more than kikes or talmudic golloms.

They can be, just like tenants can be genuine pieces of shit

No, pension beneficiaries are.

are Governments parasites, user?

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One of my coworkers owned a condo that he rented out to people for extra income, when they moved out he had to spend thousands fixing all the shit they did before renting it out again.

>Are landlords parasites?
if there were no taxes of any kind, and landlords could evict bad tenets immediately, and regulations were relaxed, I believe that rent could be free. why? because there would be ample supply of housing, and land lords would want to get tenets so they could make money on utilities and other services their tenets would buy, like subscriptions to internet and other services.


Some landlords don't budget that in and then after years of good tenants they get one that completely trashes the place and then it gets even more expensive to try to track them down on sue them out of state and hope they aren't just bankrupt or whatever.

>Covid circus happens
>Eviction moratorium gets implemented
>Tee-hee, rent free, fuck landlords
>Covid circus ends
>Eviction moratorium revoked
>Landlords dump their properties on the market, decreasing the supply of rental units
>Price of rent goes up
>OMG, rent is unaffordable, fuck landlords.

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Your friend tried to play Jew and got burnt loool