Why is it so hard for ZOGmericans to accept

the fact that they must face karmic retribution for their decades of war crimes? You'd think leftists would understand that America "has it coming" and that the end of Pax Americana will be the bloodiest shitshow in all of human history, but they keep thinking they can turn off the gore.

You cannot turn off the gore.

The ride has not even yet begun.

Attached: oopsie.jpg (800x1067, 84.79K)

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It's because americans just want to buy guns then eat hamburgers and get more fat. It's disgusting. I hope one day they can join the rest of the civlized (and thin) world.

My hobby is driving Amerimutt zogbots to suicide. I send suicide guides to mutts in American veteran support groups on facebook. I spam Amerimutt hate messages on veteran suicide chats. They deserve it for fighting for Israel. Is that normal?

Attached: fuck mutts.png (1366x565, 78.81K)

It's actually kind of cliche if I'm hones, why aren't you on Any Forums?

You're pathetic honestly.

Christian Zionism, leaded gasoline, fluoride, poor nutrition, lack of stillness to perform self-reflection/lack of psychedelics, etc.

Seethe harder you whiteknight cuck,
I busted a nut to the Morocco decapitation video in which Louisa Jespersen was beheaded. I wish I could have decapitated and skullfucked her myself. Is that normal?

Attached: DEATH TO NORDICUNT KUFFAR WHORE.jpg (655x458, 31.65K)

Are you talking about why their teeth are perfect here?

are you a muslim or a larper? what's your deal?

Nope, just listing some obvious reasons why the intelligence of white people has declined in the past century

That video redpilled me on 2 things:
1-women are retarded
2-north africa needs to be glassed

>be affluent
>be first to own tvs
>watch tv all the time
>become degenerate

that's my take, also the industrial revolution wasn't good for the west

Seethe, I'm a Filipino that converted to Islam three years ago.
Worry not boxheaded smegmaskinned kike worshipping slav*id, we will neutron bomb the shit out of East EuROACHES once we fully take over France, UK and Germany, and resettle it with brothers from Turkey, MENA and Somalia

It's Ian the Australian faggot

>Seethe, I'm a Filipino that converted to Islam three years ago.
so you are the bottom of the totem pole on the muslim pecking order? how is that working out for you?

so he's big on Any Forums? am i talking to an e celeb?

Russia is still responsible as a nation for FAR more deaths than the US. IS Ukraine their karma or some shit?

Google ASIO that's the organisation he works for

user you live on the other side of the planet. the only thing you may be doing in the near future is becoming the uncle of a tourist rape baby

why the fuck would they be trolling Any Forums as a 13 yr old larping as a filipino muslim? it's stupid enough for me to believe it but i would like to know how they justify it (aside from budget requirements)

He frequently makes posts like these

It's quite obvious he is a fed

to what end?

I was thinking these guys were ISI/IRGC or just bitter 1 generation western muslims, they spam this site relentlessly

I accept nothing, I am a fisherman in the middle of nowhere, the zogbots did that disgusting shit.

Didn't know that the K.K.K. allows niggers in...

You a veteran by any chance?

i just watch a lot of podcasts, the trolling doesn't mesh with an aussie imo