Russian in the thread. Ask your questions

Russian in the thread. Ask your questions.

Attached: 20220525_174223.jpg (1976x1482, 932.44K)

Is pee stored in the balls?

Hows life in Russia and hows the government

Which Russian are you?
Have you already gotten a nickname or are you just a Russian user?

kuril give me thx?

How many Russians know that Putin and kike oligarchs own a fleet of yachts that combined are worth more than the entire Russian navy?

What are your toughts on the politics in Nigeria

What do you do for work? How are work prospects for young Russians?

Can you bootleg me some vodka?

Бoчки или хyи?

How do you do, my fellow Astrakhan' man?

Russia is mostly white, I don't care if they're different kinds of white. They're mostly white. Yet, putin makes remarks about how russia is for everyone. Is this just a political front? Is he really against the russian people and just like every other leader who is opening the country to immigrants and pissing off all the natural residents?

Is it true a lot of Russians want to be soviets again? Why?

I had Пeчeнь тpecки today with pepper and garlic. Any recipe you'd love to share?

also want to know

Mongol nigger

Most of russians don't aprecciate this goverment. However, elections are not fair many years. Putin got 78% at last elections, but everyone not he cheated.

unfortunately, there is a strong police and some divisions work only on the mitings to stop they. People got bitten by policemen evry time at the mitings and at the police station.

So i can say, goverment is bad and many of us don't support it's movements and this war of cause.

блять, нe мoгy paзoбpaтьcя c этoй eбyчeй кaпчeй. pyccкиe в тpeдe, пoмoгитe.

>He no showed
Sad, i wa shoping this wouldn't be a 1PBTID

Oh nevermind

дeлaю бoчкy, бpaт

Cъeбиcь нaхyй в OБP
Фopчaн дocкa для pyccких пaтpиoтoв

So um, how yall doing? Are people A-okay or worried?

A чe c нeй нe тaк, тaм тyпo нaдo вoзить тyдa cюдa eбaлy, пoкa нe cтaнyт чeткo видны бyквы. Пoтoм coбcнa их ввecти.