America is the dumbest "first world" country

Americans can't even evaluate this simple expression.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The answer is F.


Multiplication and division are at the same level because they are the same thing. When trying to decide which to do first, you work from right to left. That's the rule.

6 / 2 (1+2)
6 / 2 (3)
3 (3)

left to right I mean.

Daily reminder that you're a dumb nigger if you reply to these threads. I'm including myself in this, just want you all to know. Herbs go in all fields


These threads are the most fun.
FUck jannies


The answer is 1 you dummy

Come up with an argument for why.

6 divided by 6 is 1

The answer is 1

Ultimate answer is 1.
you need to use pemdas twice in this equation, one before the obelus and another after the obelus.


1488 obviously

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1 numath retards

1,5 EZ

Fuck off Zipper


You can't do the problem from left to right.
In this case, multiplying before dividing is incorrect.

The answer is 1 user lol

right to left I mean.

Multiplication and division are simultaneous. The question is intentionally ambiguous to lure midwits into arguing until bump limit.

How about we stop writing mathematical equations in this childish god-awful dogshit manner.

When did this site become facebook?

>Herbs go in all fields
dem 'erbs be in me fields mon

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This is why we can trick you so easily, youre retarded

>from right to left.
Found the kike.

Answer is 9. Can't believe yuropoors have such shit education.

Brackets first you fucking faggot mong

6 / 2(1+2)
6 / 2 * 3
3 * 3
I almost failed math every year in school
also, I hate americans and america

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There is no sign between the brackets and open equation, so how do you know it's a division?

>it's this thread again

Attached: pemdas.png (700x3814, 594.19K)


American math major here.

Distribute the 2, so 6/2(1+2) becomes 6/2+4. Order of operations states we do 6/2 first (3) then add 4. 3+4=7. The answer is 7.

6-2 = 4
4 - 1 = 3
3 - 2 = 1

The answer is 1 and I showed my work to get there. It's not a hard problem if you just ignore all those weird extra symbols and just subtract.

Nein Nein Nein! It's nein!


>6 / 2(1+2)
>6 / 2 * 3

Again: how do you know it's multiplication? Did your * appear out of nowhere?!

BOMDAS and PEMDAS are the same thing you stupid nigger.
Solving the parentheses/brackets means simplifying them. That part is accomplished by doing the addition within it. From then on it's just multiplication and division, tard.

He did whats INSIDE the brackets first. You dont multiply with the brackets first.

And it works everytime. This board is a lost cause

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Are you trolling? In highschool you'll learn to stop using the "x/*" sign to know when to multiply.

It's called the distributive property you inbred nigger.

Yeah, I did that, no one is distribuiting, but wouldn't it be inside the parenthesis after distribution?

Just because they are simultaneous doesn't mean there isn't a correct answer. You solve the equation from left to right in these instances.

That's just what you're suppose to do

every day

Attached: your thread.gif (244x268, 1.76M)

This guy is right.
Everyone else is a retard.
You must be a Shitskin Muslim because a White German who can't figure out that 3(3)=9 should immediately commit suicide.

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god tier trolling lmao

This is the answer. They write these shit equations to get retards fighting in comments to drive post engagement for their social media shekels.

The equations in () comes first, then multiplication/division, then + and -, and you do it from left to right as the law, nigger.
user, are you genuine retard? I am genuinely worry.

Why do I read this as

I consider those acronyms unhelpful and never remember them. I just remember all the right answers I wrote down that's how I remember to go left to right when it comes to multiplication and division after the brackets.

there are no brackets, those are parenthesis
{} [] ()