Got my first dose of the vaccine a year and a half ago and have since taken 3 more. Why am I not dead yet Any Forums...

Got my first dose of the vaccine a year and a half ago and have since taken 3 more. Why am I not dead yet Any Forums? You guys said I would die from a vaccine induced blood clot .. Yet here I am the happiest and healthiest I've ever been in my life.

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You completed step one, now go complete step 2, which is climbing on top of a radio tower and biting a wire then jumping off, which will activate the chip in the vaccine and give you telekinesis and flying capabilities

2 to 5 years bro
my wife already has already fucked her immune system up from the jabs

i know "2 to 5 years" is hard to understand for a moron like you

The vaccine? Which vaccine are you talking about leafnigger?

Really makes you wonder how the homeless survived such a horrific pandemic

I took novavax 10 days ago and now my lungs feel like they're filling up with thick mucus. Oh god these were the cull shots weren't they?

Good for you. Keep lining up for jewish poison you fucking retard. You'll suffer from a cytokine storm. I myself have natural immunity and recovered from COVID in 3 days. Enjoy drowning in your own fluids.

Spin the wheel of live deatroying effects no rerunds

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Is this the new "2 more weeks"?

Vaids takes time

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Lol yeah I got the cove after dodging it for 2 years and spent 1 day in bed with a fever. People who are scared of this are so dramatically weak they should have been euthanised decades ago

Also, unless they were retarded af...

They would have made diff formulas. Placebo and otherwise, it's literally adding one step to their AIDS pcr scam like in the Detroit buyers club

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I took 1 dose 8 months ago and my health is still fucked up, i was sceptical but it was the vax or getting kicked out of the university, choosing the vax was the worst mistake of my life
you just got lucky op

>experts say

we've maintained it from the start
not our fault you have difficulty grasping things

I have a better question: you took 4 doses, why are you not immune yet?

Anybody that reaearched this seriously has come too that conclusion

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I didn't take any experimental vaccine that proved to be useless and yet here I am the happiest and healthiest I've ever been in my life.

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