What happened over the past 25 years?

Guns were more prevalent in America 70 years ago, yet mass shootings only started happening the past 25 years. Is it the decaying moral structure of the United States? Is it the rise in mental illness? Is it desensitization to violence caused by graphic media? A combination of all of it? Discuss, Any Forums.

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Vietnam war happened

Every body had sex life also less niggers.

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Diversity is our strength, and in the past it was more likely someone would shoot back.


CIA MKULTRA. No other explanation. They've convinced everyone that mentally ill incels are capable of murdering large numbers of innocent people at random. Just doesn't happen. These massacres are very specific and you'll notice lately all done with AR15 style rifles. This is deliberate.

>past 25 years
>Vietnam war ended in 1975
Leaf math, everyone

I have no answer to OP's question, but why did you guys let full autos get banned?

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This is the real answer

Mental illness isn't more common today, it's simply overdiagnosed/ blamed for everything.

So could it be the drugs they’re prescribing that’s partly to blame?

Breakdown of the family. A lot of kids feel directionless

i can play a game and see vomit, decapitations; cannibalism; dismemberment; people shot in the face; groin, scenes of rape, muggings, car-jackings; arson; theft.
Almost all of those are from Tomb Raider alone, but you can add porn to that list with Witcher, and that's just on PS4.

So, yeah, I'm pretty sure the kids of today are pretty much desensitized to violence and murder by now. Hell, on this basket weaving forum alone, I have seen people skinned alive, and dogs eating at gaping holes where genitals once were, real murder, et cetera.

it's pretty bad desu.

>last 25 years
lies, at least 60 years back for a mass shooting at a school.
There were also other school attacks such as bombings that are not on that list.
One thing that has changed though, picrel, the (((police))) became more militarized and people started going after soft targets instead

Breakdown of family, relationships and life prospects due to the undeniable fact that massively importing people into the country inevitably took those prospects and futures away from children.

fuck, i'm faggot and forgot pic

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The feds want more murders simple as

Young men are being driven insane and then told to just deal with it.

i think that was more related to the civil war (confederates) than anything else. The James boys owned slaves too, so definitely an Us and Them vibe, rather than something more sinister.

ssri drugs didint exist an mental ill person would be locked up if you were a man an dress ass a woman they would of taken you away to a mental hospital
