Latins countries are MASTER RACE

-The Gallo-Romans made Gaul progress quite a bit, our ancestors made quite a bit of progress thanks to the Romans.
-Latins have the most beautiful, most melodic, pure and elegant language.
-The most visited countries in the world are the Latin countries because of our infrastructures and our culture.
-We are the winners of this world because we are represented everywhere in the films the series the heroes the French presidents look at their faces.
-France was able to build its empire thanks to Napoleon
-we attract anyone any girl of any ethnicity

I still have so much to say but you haven't read it all, it's already good, so basically we have the most respected culture, the most visited countries the most powerful, we are the most beautiful we are perfect

Attached: 299D0921-79D2-4CEA-B0F6-0AFC22CB177C.jpg (600x401, 22.5K)

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I feel sorry for the ethnic northern Italian and central/northern French getting lumped into the same swarthy lazy bag as us, the latins

the south were mixed you are not latin or maybe the north of portugal

If by Latin you mean being a cohesive, ambitious and organized type of people, then the whole Iberia is not Latin. The people that made Portugal great do not exist anymore. As cucked as France might be, at least there is still hope since there’re remnants of a few warriors, philosophers and geniuses amongst yourselves to rally the French back to glory

>Master Race

Your country is a shithole ruled by a cryptokike faggot and full of niggers and sandniggers. Fuck off frog, don't make us break you bucks again.

Be the change that you want in the world, Hue father!! never is to late to join politics.
just look at our new governor

Lol don’t recall the ottomans defeating France ever

Then why is my economy so fucked

Stfu you are a country of losers who only lost and learned from us, you are replaced by Turks and niggers.

>worshipper of caravan robber child molester slave master warlord schizoid false prophet

Into the trash you go, alongside your moon cult and your pedophile false prophet.

Congrats on your EU proxy 4th reich, now enjoy an endless flood of rapefugees

Your leader are traitors

Hahaha this Germans are always humiliated, but they are always barbarians

Enjoy the beautiful, melodic, pure and elegant Neapolitan language of this charming lady:

There are no 'northern it*lians', only Lombards.
You woudn't call Slovenians 'northern yugoslavians' or Scots 'northern britons'.

Attached: lombardy.jpg (2042x1331, 1.05M)

I’m assuming that you believe that il risorgimento was a mistake? If affirmative, why exactly?

aber naturlich you mongrel

Attached: csm_1984-Nati_Mannschaftsbild_63dff4a031.jpg (1000x1000, 936.9K)


Hello pot, meet kettle

on a scale it would be like, spanish, dutch and german bad, french worse, portugal is an african country already so that doesn't really count.