Mass Mental illness

Are Americans actually blind to their mass mental illness crisis? 90% of you cunts are on Jewish drugs DAILY, so many of your people take 5+ pills just to function in your society. It is a problem here too.

Sadly mental illness will never be addressed, we’ll keep handing out pills like skittles and this will keep happening, guns aren’t the issue, it’s the absolute state of society (American and somewhat western).

Am I right? Can some Americans give me some insight into the mental health of those around you, I could be wrong but you seem absolutely mind fried.

How do we fix it?

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we fine

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all americans i know are severely mentally ill, to the point where they are unsaveable and unredeemable

>if you complain you are a lazy communist
any questions?

note: this post does not endorse lazy commies shitting up the thread

It's just as bad here, user. Before the coof some 17% of women were on antidepressants. It's probably at least a quarter now

>800,000 die of COVID due to no healthcare.
>still no healthcare in america

Pretty conclusive

deport the kikes
deport the niggers
deport the spics
deport the arabs
asians can stay, but not the lefties.
bring god back. christianity in schools.
kick crt to the curb
basically get rid of all of the gender politics and go back to the way things were before it.
anyone caught teaching or spreading leftist propaganda gets deported

basically, we need another hitler. unironically.

>going into labor
>L&D nurse getting me prepped, in conversation about having a girl
>proceeds to delve into her family drama of her daughter being a depressed bi polar and stealing her(moms) anti depressants.
>the nurse assisting in the birth of my child is off her meds because her daughter stole them due to them both being utter cunts.

Captcha MMN88

I have lived it my entire life.
pic related

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please tell me what my (((medical doctor))) would have done for me had i gotten "covid"? he would have sent me to the hospital once i couldnt breath, then they put me on remdesivir after i get HCAP, then they finish me with a vent as a struggle to even breathe. fuck off with this slop

It is going beyond the US, just slower and different meds/conditions
Obligatory warning to (you)

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Society is broken.
Everything feminism and the left promote doesn't bring happiness. It's all hedonism, materialism, empty virtue signaling, ego & narcisim. They turn the sexes against each other. Invert gender roles. Make women vulgar like men, and men weak and soft like women. Relationships are cheap thrills, not meaningful. Cope by telling themselves their body count is something to be proud of. When really is just the number of times they've been used, or used another. None of them even value weddings vows anymore.

Is there any wonder no ones happy and mass medicating themselves. Our entire pop culture is fake & manufactured. And you'll be attacked by nPC steeple for not conforming.

Medicaid pays behavior/psyche facilities 10-20k per month per patient.

make electronics expensive again, majority of normies can't handle the internet

It's funny how they will address every crisis in the book except the mental health crisis which was already pretty bad pre-pandemic
Then the pandemic happened then every normie on Earth got cabin fever and the mental health crisis got worse
The fact that they go MUH GUNS before realizing most mass shooters are deranged schizos is really saddening

Yep that's why your 24 hour hold always gets extended kek
Really sad but funny when you see people who come in for the first time, and they don't realize that will happen. So you see them near the front desks eagerly standing around going "oh I'll get picked up soon, 24 hours almost up!" And you go kek aight see you tomorrow.

Sure as shit, it gets extended. It sinks in at that moment that your freedoms are gone and these strangers could realistically just keep you there forever and there would be nothing you could do, which starts to freak them the fuck out. So they start freaking out and panicking and crying...
...except they don't realize, this works against them. This will be noted as unstable behavior, so you're just increasing your extension even further by reacting.

I got used to it though ngl, it's not the worst especially if you know to milk the system for Ambien and nicotine patches. The meth addicts always did really well because they'd just sleep the whole time kek best roommates ever

I enjoy the decline.

God damn...

How are they getting away with this?

You're absolutely correct. Literally everyone on the street is hostile and vile. Most cities are over run with junkies ready to rob and kill you. Jobs are refusing to pay more for a ever larger workload that makes you feel as if you never are meeting your goals so you're always on the cusp of being fired. Everything is so expensive that losing your job is basically a death sentence as you would be thrown on the streets with the lawless. Top it all off with the facade of the PC people and politics telling you this is fine.

There isn't a gun problem, society is collapsing and this is one of the many indicators of it.

Also if this is you then congrats man, don't go back to that dark place, spread the knowledge

I've never been put in a mental hospital, but I've lived with formal thought disorder for my whole life.
>It got to the point where youtube would target me with videos of not to jump off the golden gate bridge even though I had never searched anything like that.
>It was a video about a survivor of a jump, and then they told you most people break allot of bones and just drown in cold water. (It did seem like a good idea after watching that video though)
>Google would imply to me that I was schizophrenia and ask me wasn't it a good idea to see a mental health professional.
>All this was derived from how I phrased search terms, and wrote things.
>I broke down and saw the PharmaJew, they put me on an anticonvulsant and Adderall because I said I was put on antidepressants before and they did not work.
>Later I figured out I appeared as if I had bipolar depression.
>Couple years go by I hit my max out of pocket on my insurance from Sinus surgery I mention it and the nurse practitioner sends me to a neuropsychologist.
>I talk to this guy for about 15 minutes he asks me who the president is, has me tug on his hands inspecting for brain damage. Then sends me to this jewish woman about my age tells her the cognitive tests to do.
>I'm there for about 4 hours doing what seemed like a very long IQ test.
>Go back a month later to talk with the doctor for about a half an hour, the final clinical confirmation and he tells me I have formal thought disorder and that I have had it for a very, very long time.

I got put on an atypical antipsychotic Ziprasidone, I like it things have been good ever since.

At the start? Mostly the parents. Then doctors of course for violating everything they claim to do for people.
12-17 year olds are going to be angsty. If they're extra angsty, there is likely a reason. It's usually because the parents, particularly the mother is emotionally unavailable. Emotional availability to children isn't about turning your kid into a whiny bitch - are a child, you are taught how to process your emotions, you're not born with that intelligence.
Most of these teens and even early adults with "mental problems," particularly anxiety, depression, BPD, ADHD and bipolar, are just showing signs of not having been taught emotional intelligence - if you can't process your emotions, you won't handle them well.

So the parents bring their kid up to a doctor and it's just "they have a behavior problem" or "I can't make them happy no matter what I do (buy). None of these mental health treatments or therapies for kids and teens involve much participation from parents - is that not weird?
They're handing off that character development to doctors. The doctors won't be doing it, but they'll relieve those "behavior problems."
Realistically the doctors should know full well that they're working with kids in need of emotional education and character development. But that's not what they get paid for. Their patient might be the kid, but their client is the parents - it is not about making you happy or keeping you healthy, it is about making your parents happy - at your expense.

If you get into this young enough though - which again, upwards of 27% do by 12-17 years old - you don't necessarily notice these things or remember them even if you did. By 18 you've now been taking meds and having problems consistently for years. You have a label for it, an explanation for it, a "solution" that you need to keep going back to doctors for...again, you're just a cash cow now.

ive seen so many burger anons say they dont care about the dead kids because they're "shitskins" absolute demonic creatures none of what they say is bantz it's sad, i dont want to generalize too much though many other flags are trying their best to act like an edgy queer

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Thanks, man. It's been over a year now. I've lived more life just in this year than I did the past 15 years easily. I'm pretty healthy now too; mostly it just feels crazy and terrific to be able to trust my own mind. I never had that and it's kinda weird but I really am just in control of myself now and I do not take that for granted.
I'm pretty bitter sometimes though, particularly because the meds and especially Seroquel completely wiped my memory. I don't remember most of college, I still apparently repeat things a lot just not knowing I've said it before. I'm hoping I can fix that with time though, I got plenty.

I try to tell people whenever I can because it's becoming more normalized and that really horrifies me. It's a crime to be telling people that their problems are something beyond them that only medication can solve. That takes away a freedom of a person that I think is very sacred now that I have it.

In my early 20s I had a patient my age who came in for jumping off a bridge, he swore up and down he fell. The psyche provider wanted to put him on all kinds drugs due to "aggression" because they stuck this poor kid on a unit with schizophrenics and literal psychotics. I assured him he wasnt crazy he's just an asshole, and theres no need to keep him there, I had to fight to get him out of there, but i did. Doctor told him he'd be a quadriplegic for the rest of his life from the fall and I would find him standing up in his room- stubborn asshole said fuck that disabled shit. Hope hes doing well now.

mutts changed definition and consider people cutting of their dicks as perfectly normal and people who try to have good time (by playing video games) as mental unstable
america is upside down backside up
(((the truth))) is lies
(((the law))) is crime
(((the good))) is bad
pure insanity, jews did it to you same way they did it to rome

Thank you for sticking to your oath and protecting people from these monsters.
The last time I was involuntarily put in inpatient, they kept me there for a week. The psychiatrist deciding all of this and how long I'd be there asked me a single question the 3rd day - that's it, he never even saw me to admit me. I'm pretty much fucked in most hospital cases because of my record so whenever they see me fly in they get real giddy about how unstable I look.

It really freaked me out seeing kids in 2nd grade get put on meds for "behavioral issues". This was in the 90's i can only imagine what % of kids are being drugged now days.