What happened in the 1990s?


It seems that something changed politically in our country in the 90s that created more school shooters.

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Roe v. Wade created a generation that does not value life.

1990-18 = 1972 the height of the sex revolution as it gained traction in every day life

Violent video games
Jack Thompson and the Christian mothers were right

millions started using ssris

The Bush and Clinton dynasties rose to power.

Video Games unironically caused it
If First Person shooters never existed and you got a industry full of Nintendo, CRPGs, Strategy games it wouldn't exist

gangsta rap

Kids would just be jumping on each other’s heads and summoning demons instead

This is one of the first non stupid posts I've read at Any Forums.

not the full story but one of the very tightly coupled factors

Attached: prozac.png (695x27, 8.19K)

kys faggot

NBK was released in cinemas.

Attached: no_notoriety.jpg (620x802, 65.52K)

Residual radiation from weapons tests performed throughout the Cold War has caused cerebral cortices in children born after 1970 to slowly regress towards protohuman stages. Genes are being selected that produce more violent and degenerate humans.

Americans are idiots

They do it because they want to be famous, even in death. So I would assume the media landscape changed in the 80s and 90s, possibly due to cable television and later the internet.

The type of person who carries out those attacks wants the whole country to notice them and be talking about them.

>What happened in the 1990s?
we lost

Primarily the liberal/feminine nu-education policies of not allow kids to stand up to their bullies. Zero tolerance for fighting, punishing victims, tell the teacher, etc…it created a perpetual victim that has no normal recourse for handling it. So eventually they snap. That, and the media glorifying the Columbine kids.

that ship has sailed with the internet. TV news is no longer the gatekeeper of information.

Christianity created a world where people care more about a possible afterlife with no evidence than their actual life, which makes them think if they die it doesn't matter because they're going to heaven

Mass distribution of mental ‘health’ drugs

Have you taken them ? Because if you have you wouldn't say that.

>Mass use of SSRI's
>Declining religiosity and outright hostility towards it
>popular culture embracing faggotry openly

These. Fix these and you fix the problem.


This also

federal agents got new orders.
went from trafficking kids for cults to shooting them in schools.
the FBI openly admitted to creating the satanic panic narrative when some nobody cops found kids dressed in burlap sacks playing in a florida park at 3am.

This is def part of it too. From Jan 6 to the "Whitmer kidnapping" the FBI is actively creating crimes to push political agendas.

Still no word on the Vegas shooting...

Race riots and first wave of ssris


I think if you don’t actually have depression it can really fuck you up. Personally I don’t care if it scrambles my brain so long as I can taste food and feel feelings again

Was having trouble rolling out of bed and getting places on time so a shrink prescribed me Strattera and Lexapro. Made me feel totally disconnected and I started fires for no reason. Never been a pyro before, but I’d start dangerous fires inside places, let them get as big as I could, then put them out. Scared the fuck out of me, stopped taking them and have been fine since. Switched to coffee in the morning.

There are abortions in other countries too, it can't make only Americans into mass killers.

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>Experts say very few perpetrators have taken psychotropic medications, and there is no evidence linking them to mass shootings
As someone who is on three different ssris I can tell you they've helped me significantly and if any shooter was on them they likely would have shot people anyway if they weren't on them. They don't change the way you think at all and if you think they do you need to read more

Why not improve security at schools? Federally mandated all public schools must have armed security/law enforcement officer stationed there.

We protect courthouses, sporting events, and city hall with guns. Politicians, billionaires, and celebrities are protected with guns. Why not our children at schools who we entrust to care for our children?

This is a big one. A lot of the GI/silent gen male teachers were retiring and given the bullshit of being a teacher even back in the 90s a lot of younger men chose to avoid the profession entirely. By the time I graduated high school in the 2000s, I think my high school had less than ten men in the faculty outside of PE and sports coaches... and most of them were old.

SSRI’s affect everyone differently. Some people begin to detach from reality and feel no emotion.

Can't forget Adderall in addition to the SSRI's. Pretty sure that's when cable TV became popular as well and video games started to take off. Combine that with the biggest pushes for gun controll like the assault weapons ban and it becomes pretty clear that most of this shit was done by groomed shooters to advance the agenda.

I do think that cheaters online should get fined
It's sociopathic behavior that should be repressed and the internet feels like the wild west with shit like NFTs.
Like you can't say nigger but you can start a monetary cult around your personality.
It's fucked

the Boomtown Rats did a song called i don't like mondays all about a school shooting, which went to number one everywhere. This was my first exposure to school shootings and i think this song glorified it in some way. it was a huge mtv hit also in it's infancy so was seen by millions (it was a big thing then)
This was way before Columbine and a girl was the shooter.

SSRI: Mechanism of Action.... Unknown.

The majority of mass shooters are nignogs