Check your privilege at the door

Check your privilege at the door

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Fucking really? Are we really at this point?

It is rude to disrespect the jannies like that

I'm 187cm / 95 kg. This would be considered fat 100 years ago. I was trying to buy pants today, everything was too wide or too short, by a lot, what the fuck??

so these morbildy obese people, do they live shorter lives than non morbildy obese people?

Yes. Morbid obesity is a risk factor for virtually every chronic disease.

so then how is it possible to conflate "fat acceptance" with "not hating fat people." they essentially hate themselves, and then tell you its hateful not to allow them to murder themselves. what kind of world are we living in?

Oh saints can we see

Obesity is a gender now?

so in essence they dont accept themselves yet demand you "accept" them. what gives, can anyone resolve the paradox?

Fat as a sow
nose ring of a cow

to further drive home this point. observe them in public. do they appear comfortable or at ease? no they are bundles of stress. they are sick

Same way you get LGBT acceptance in a world were being an antivaxxer makes you literally Hitler, but faggots are a vector for disease.
Cigarettes, Tobacco and almost all our food (all legal) are just designed to kill people.
You can't discriminate against someone that is morbidly obese even though it's incredibly unhealthy because you will hurt their feelings, just like you can't discriminate against a faggot that spreads monkeypox, because you will hurt their feelings.
Surely you've seen the movie "They Live" where he walks into the store and all the food is just shit to drug people and kill them. In real life you don't even need the glasses just look at people you see out on the street. Everyone is fucking dying. They're literally killing themselves.

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this is true
they are overweight
cant cook
eat a bunch of poison
and are entirely dependent on all of the above to sustain
its fucked beyond words. its pure evil

my boss told me today how his wife left him because he worked so much, and they made him work wierd hours while becoming a store manager. shits entirely fuck up

It comforts me knowing all these people will likely die before me

>check your privilege at the door
>if you can even make it through the door, that is

> observe them in public. do they appear comfortable or at ease? no they are bundles of stress. they are sick
And society tells them it's their fault. That they're "mentally ill" and they get a label like bipolar or depression or something, get on medications that increase their weight even further and then the entire onus is put on them. Never mind literally everything they eat is shit, they don't get any exercise and don't understand what a fucking calorie is. They get bombarded by ads and smells and deals for the shittiest most unhealthy products (which are all cheaper than healthy food) but the only advertising or education they get about weight loss is gimmick fad diets or ads for shit like "lose 50lb in 2 weeks by water fasting".
It is evil and look at the statistics. How many people in western societies are overweight or obese? 60%? 70%? How many of them smoke and drink alcohol? Fuck fat acceptance people should be telling this bitch she's gonna get diabetes and die of a heart attack before she's 50. Half of them are so fat they're infertile and can't even have kids anymore because of shit like polycistic ovarian syndrome.

she is the fucking door.

>And society tells them it's their fault
why do our klawmakers subsidize and allow posiion to be sold? so some (((corporation))) can ensure maximum profit by extending shelf life? it makes me sick to my stomach when i think of the desolation of our food supply and all the poor people just trying to get satiated in a warehouse full of poison. its PURE EVIL. the food is chemically engineered to addict them, and they can only afford the worst GMO shit. its a set up, and you are right the blaming the victim shit is sinister as fuck, but so is the worshipping of slow suicide (fat acceptance)

Just lose weight. At my worst I was 25 stone, 6ft4. A small portion was muscle as powerlifted from time to time, but it was mostly fat. One day I said enough, I ate dinner then fasted for 24 hours until dinner again for several months, lost around 4 or 5 stone, then slowly reintroduced normal eating patterns and ramped up the gym. At 15 stone now and its mostly muscle. Definitely still a overweight but much healtier than I was.

I didnt need to do anything special, no extreme workouts. Just stopped eating.

and the reason the food is trash is so some (((corporation)))) can ensure maximum shelf life of everything to maximize profits, quality of food be damned (fiduciary responsibility)