Texas Elementary School Shooting fucking glows like a motherfucker


>Television network CBS pulled the fourth season finale of FBI that was to air that night, which involved a fictional school shooting as a plot point.


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No shit
Have a bump

Any Forums will be blamed again

I wonder if someone will post it on youtube.
Remember when Boris got told Mandalay wasn't appropriate the day before the Mandalay Bay shooting?

yeah, its fake. quit spamming

They’re just trying to be sensitive. Nobody wants to watch a school shooting scene on a school shooting day. Need a day or two before it’s sensitive to watch fictional school shootings again

Apparently it's floating around out there on The High Seas

The fact our MSM was on scene is a fucking red flag if i ever seen one. What's the big distraction this is being used for is what i want to know.

How did this freak enter the school with body armor??i go to lick up my kids from school and they have to buzz me in.

Did he? I didn't know that.

there’s an exact target audience, they want to rein in the latino vote
mass shootings in election years are so different from mass shootings in off years

bamp because fuck x

First one was fake (real deaths)

This one wasn't planned (by anybody)

Hillary. Period. It's blatant and obvious.

>Leftist crimes? Totally real.

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If it was fake a white guy would have done it.

Yeah seriously. It is really beginning to get even on my nerves. "Glowies", "glowniggers" "false flag", CIA operation" "this glows so hard" in every fucking thread.

Shut the fuck up with your "Glow1!!!!11 Glow!1!111!1111! This glows!1!!!1!!1" you fucking retard I am fucking sick of it

Show flags

You're trying too hard, agent goldstein

Everything according to Any Forums glows. Including pol

Let me guess, they pulled the show to cover breaking news instead?
Amazing revelation OP.

fuck off Satan

there is reporting now that he got in after getting in a shootout in front of the school with the cops

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wouldn't fit the agenda

they want hispanics to vote for a dem white guy

We live in an age and time where everything is monitored.

You mean they faked a school shooting just so CBS doesn't air that episode?

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