Right wing bros... it is over

Right wing bros... it is over

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i love the taste or reddit harpy seethe. thank you for nourishing me donkey

Wow she must really hate niggers

Id rather be alone then with garbage. Men flourish with anything they set their mind too they dont need a womans approval to enjoy life.

talk about femcel

redditors are mentally ill and their thoughts and opinions do not reflect reality

Okay sweetheart. How’s that sex strike working out?
Anyone have the compilation of these fat cows and Reddit trannies creaming themselves over rightwing men and feeling super guilty about it (tee-hee!)?

hgtow, kek

jesus christ these people need to have their technology taken away and live in africa to be raped by gangs of niggers daily
that will teach them, we'll just tell them it's cultural enrichment and that they'll be there for humanitarian purposes and just abandon them

We don’t care. Women are so impressionable that they inevitably adopt the political leanings of their man.

Isn't that the subreddit for post wall roasties?

>your gun laws kill our children in school
also women
>you don't allow us to kill our children in the womb reeeeeeee

Meanwhile good wives hate these spinsters.


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Left-wing & communist women, we don't care

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Nah it’s for transgender women

It's unironically a subreddit for trannies

greasy sausage fingers typed this

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Kill yourself

LMAO I hate women too and don't care if they won't fuck me cause I won't fuck them. I don't want to get divorce raped for falsely accused of something I didn't do.
Women have no power and they never will

who gives a fuck what these dumb fags think
women who make posts like this are all broke, probably drowning in debt, and the size of a whale.
normal girls dont give a fuck about politics and will fuck anyone who looks attractive

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