Government gets its way

>government gets its way
>bad thing stops

really really makes you think...

hey guys we should just give in to the government and let them take all our rights then the badness will go away

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It's illegal to fuck animals, but how come there are more furries now than ever before. Explain.

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He acts as if the pussies had guns in the first place to get rid of. I guarantee if UK put an armed guard in front of every school the same effect would happen.

the shootings and stabbings just happen outside the schools now, kek

Wasn't he already banned from owning guns on account of abusing boys during his time as a scout troop leader? Didn't a local town councilman give his a handgun loicense anyways?

they actually have loads of gun crime in the uk, with automatic weapons too

Bongs have to get loicenses for butter knives. I'll keep my guns tyvm.

Yeah but the cops can also arrest you for misgendering a tranny
I'd rather have dead kids and freedom thanks

>biggest nanny state
>can get arrested for talking trash to over paid footballers
>government went full boot stomp during lockdowns
Yeah, better keep the guns

Shootings happen every single day in the UK, like vaccine deaths it rarely if ever reported. see criminals dont care about the law. Kek

This is the truth, there is everything up to RPGs here if you wanna pay for it.

Isn't it odd that countries that never had any mass shootings suddenly have one, and only one, that was swiftly used to justify disarming the population?

>really really makes you think...
>hey guys we should just give in to the government and let them take all our rights then the badness will go away

if you think certain groups wont arm niggers, you are retarded. Remember when the GF protests happened, bricks appeared out of nowhere.

Also, do you know about the knife and acid problems the UK has? lol

I still stand on the fact that if an armed guard was standing in front of every school this shit wouldn’t happen. But noooo we can’t have a dominant male handling a weapon at the schools that might scare the children. I tell you it’s bs. When I was a kid I would have loved an armed security guard in front of my school he would be a hero type to me from all my favorite action movies. But at the end of the day they want our guns no matter what solutions we try to give.

Im sure they fixed it

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The underlying motives are not resolved with a ban on the instrument used to carry out an attack. The statistics simply don't have that tool represented as much. In the UK, stabbings, bombings, and carjacking to road-pizza squashings have simply taken the place of the shootings, but the total death rate has increased, now that every way to defend yourself against an armed assailant have been illegalized.

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Meanwhile tens of thousands of kids got raped by British and Scottish aristocrats

How come we almost never heard of mass/school shootings back when drumpf was king? Besides the obvious CIA psyop in Vegas of course.

This would never work in a nigger-infested country, e.g. the USFPBP

This would never work in a nigger-infested country, e.g., the US

Oi, cheeky burgers,
Now you will need loicence even for butter knife!

indeed, that's partly why the buffalo guy picked such a seemingly random location, it was the only place he could find with the lightest security (in ratio to his intended targets). every other place he scouted scared him off because the guards were armed to the teeth

This would never work in a nigger-infested country, e.g. the US

The same country that now has thousand of stabbings to take its place.

yep now here is your mandatory shot, sheep

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And acid baths

We need to focus on more common causes of death rather than enacting restrictions based on statistically unusual events. Respond to the data, not the emotion.

yeah I wonder what the stabbing and knife stats look like. maybe I should start a comically large caveman club business in the JewK and see how many people heads get smashed in by the end of the year

How many school shootings before that without strict gun laws?