Did they pick him on purpose?

A transsexual/crossdressing leftie non-white immigrant?

Isn't it a little suspicious that they clicked every box? It's almost like they are trying to make lefties and the righties fight each other?
Really makes you think...

Attached: wut.png (2000x2500, 2.62M)

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That troon faggot

How did he afford a 2k set up
Did he try and hunt down the groomer that molested him

Glowniggers are pulling out some crazy shit for these midterms. Really need to distract from Biden's failures

He's a white latino, he's just a white person who speaks Spanish.

I thought it was 5k?
And a 60 thousand dollar truck?

Any specific evidence of this? Other than the spic and tranny thing of course.

Any zoomer with a credit card can get a loan these days, it's the buy now pay later agenda to debt young people who are stupid to work and pay for things in cash

There is still zero proof this guy is a crossdresser or tranny

These two things are mutually exclusive.

>zero proof
>other than the pics that glowniggers have been posting here all day

no proof of any of that, but yes. there will be a civil war. this country still continues to divide.
Our economy is trash, there be a poor vs rich, because even the middle class is dying.
There's conservatives vs liberals
and whites vs blacks.
Pick your battle, friend, it's only going to get worse.

yea this tranny shit is cringe and dumb, the pictures of that tranny they are posting dont even look like him

I suppose there is no evidence of this that I have seen.
But isn't it just appearances that matter to the media and the medias psyops on the population?
Is it more important that he votes left or that he appears to?
The pictures of the crossdressing are going to be in there somewhere.

What the fuck are you talking about? A tranny didn't need to shoot up a school for me to hate them. I've been calling for their encampment and mass execution for twenty years. Where the fuck have you been?

Attached: 8ygyzlomlt021.png (1024x904, 339.27K)

There have been 5 different tranny's pictures that have been attributed to him

odds are he is another victim of the pharmacological mental assault on the minds of youth and general population but we all know that it is the availability of the gun that convinced him to do this

Attached: MSM4gawd.jpg (680x616, 73.1K)

This is kind of my point, guys.
Does it matter if he was any of that?
They are clearly painting him that way already.
Yeah, and Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself either, but what's more important,
That he didn't,
or that we were told that he did?

I don't doubt it, but a lot of times we end up with stuff like he worked at some dems election campaign, stuff like that. I was wondering if something like that had come out.

My honest guess is he was just a typical faggot teen and had no real belief system beyond coomer tranny stuff. He would go left eventually, but till then he was just a bitch trending in that direction.

>dems election campaign, stuff like that. I was wondering if something like that had come out.
Fair- no, I haven't heard any of that yet.

I can't even tell what's real anymore- all I see are CIA groomed civilians at this point. I still don't even buy the buffalo shooting.
All of the news for 15 years could have been CGI and I wouldn't be surprised for longer than 3 seconds, so the fuck do I know

Definitely not white. Mixed race.

>This is kind of my point, guys.
>Does it matter if he was any of that?
In that case, no, well, it matters in the sense that people hate each other. but they hate each other anyways. but yea, i still believe a second civil war will happen.
A strong country can reunite even in divide if another country attacks, but no country can come back if it falls within.

>What the fuck are you talking about? A tranny didn't need to shoot up a school for me to hate them. I've been calling for their encampment and mass execution for twenty years. Where the fuck have you been?
This but unironically except for if this is seen in court.

He's white, he just speaks Spanish.

Another white boy mass murderer mass killing innocent people going about their day.