The Blackest of Black Pills

What makes you certain that the white race will succeed? Every day the white race becomes older and fewer in number. Every day whites become more liberal and farther away from our views. The nazis couldn't do it, the confederates couldn't do it, and they had their own countries. Is inflicting as much damage as possible on our enemy before we die, or mutually assured destruction our best option?

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i am sure we will not survive on the present course. that is enough.

There is such a thing as carrying capacity. Both for the planet and for white countries. Things get bad fast after said capacity is exceeded.

This is a question about cyclical demographics.
Despite the propaganda and the bleak outlook what will happen follows:
>1. whites begin being murdered en masse by browns
>2. Whites leave(which may be for an unusual destination this time)
>3. browns all starve because they can't grow food
>4. Browns beg whites to come back and grow food
>5. whites given special status and privilege as a minority, as well as land and means to grow food.
>6. Small period of prosperity before edomites show up and begin to prey on white guilt/altruism

I think a lot of whites will perish, like mudsharks, but looking at our past history compared to others, I think we could have a great comeback once everyone finally gets the memo.

on the off chance you aren't a shill and you are actually blackpilled, the difficulty of our task is all the more reason to try harder. the effect of giving up and the effect of failing are identical. only victory differs in the outcome. if the kikes had already won, they would not be clogging places like this with shills, they would not be corralling nationalism into fake shit like trump, they would not be shoving their propaganda into everything and, most importantly, they would not be checking under their beds and policing conservatives constantly for even a hint of our rhetoric. Look at the the kvetching around replacement "theory". overall, I am extremely moralized and you should be as well.

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Even if it disappears, in a few thousand years it will appear again due to evolution and adaptation to the environment.

It just seems that we can never have a tangible win. Even physically removing non-whites (such as in the buffalo shooting) does nothing. It is on such a small scale that 1. the total number of non-whites is not really lowered. 2. white sympathy for non-whites is increased.

>Even if it disappears, in a few thousand years it will appear again due to evolution and adaptation to the environment.
Retard, we’re just past the crest of a wave of human innovation that is completely unprecedented in the millions of years of human history. The golden age we’re now exiting will not be repeated and hundreds of years from now there will be great legends about our civilization, our magic, and our decline.

Why not just not be racist, Ameribro?

Just stop being racist, Jesus fuck.

sex with one partner gets boring
(incel here)

I don't want my great grandchildren being 80 iq mongrel faggots.

Remember what happened last time white people found out that there was a plot to genocide them...?

>What makes you certain that the white race will succeed?
It won't
The very concept of 'white' is made up by irish and italians who never passed for WASPs or any actually civilized peoples, so they had to start re-drawing the lines so that they could be considered human beings instead of sub-human foreign scum.
WASPs will be fine, old money has been fine for centuries. But micks and guineas and albanians will all be eating shit soon enough, just based on how the economics of America work.
damn it feels good to be a WASP

Be the change you want to see in the world. I found a fair skinned blue eyed wife with avery German last name and had a beautiful blue eyed boy with her. She can't wait to have more kids.

If you aren't making white babies then what is the point in worrying about anything. Either make babies or just tune out and be a hedonist until your bloodline fades into oblivion.

>fakely asks for a blackpill

Well user, the real blackpill is that even if you get paid to post, you will accomplish nothing of lasting relevance. None of the posts you do, will cause any type of societal shift. Nothing you say will have an impact in the real world.

Retarded take, faggot.

by Sheer Awesomeness

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I am partially Jewish, many might consider me subversive by default, but in my opinion the only strain of the White race that must be ended for good are WASPs.

>What makes you think that a race of hundreds of millions of people will succeed when it was only like 100 people within the last 10,000 years?
Nobody has succeeded in anything in the last 100 years without the help of white people.

It's not a take, it's reality that WASPs (the only white people who have ever been worth anything) always draw a line between themselves of Italians or Irisih or Slavs or anyone out of the Anglo-Saxon sphere. potato niggers and pasta mutts were the ones who decided that their best chance at being anything in the hierarchy was to put themselves above black people and chinks and such and they did it by saying that they and WASPs were both 'white'
Except they weren't. If they were, they wouldn't have been treated like garbage until WW2 after which point they were made into very useful hounds to be loosed against others

that's my nigga look at them palindrome digits

>Every day the white race becomes older and fewer in number. Every day whites become more liberal and farther away from our views
Because of that, the collapse gets ever closer and through that collapse we shall be saved

We all just going to be mixed one day anyway, better to just get over it

Classic muttnigger

Every woman is a whore

Nuclear weapons and billions of people who are our mortal enemies is a new development.

WASPs are literally the only whites who have kept actual white culture alive while micks and guineas and everyone else has either subscribed to pop culture trends or have become fucking parodies of themselves. Italian Americans are like sopranos extras, irish americans are all ugly red sox circle jerkers. Like there's not culture or intelligence in these strains, they're not even possessing of the few redeeming qualities of their european forebearers. If you were a half decent person in Italy or Ireland, you fucking stayed there instead of hiding on a boat to come to america because you thought you might be worth slightly more here

I gave up on it. I have one close friend who is also worried about the situation, but he married a white girl who wants a bunch of dogs instead of kids.

I'm hedging my seed on Asia, at least they lack the endless self hatred of a desperate Jesus complex like modern whites

I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees, fag.

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have you ever been to the country where they use dung instead of mortar in order to build houses? Rachjeed just took a shit and now it reeks. A cow will shit into our house and we will bow down, because we are hindu. we r better than white man

>The propoganda wouldn't be nessesary if the situation was hopeless.

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As pets

It could get down to a few villages in a Few Appalachian hollers . The world would fall into chaos and decline and a few hundred white guys would roll out and rape and conquer whatever is left over. New Golden age begins

Checked and correct. We'll bounce back stronger, and meaner, than ever.

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Sure your white you fucking weakling ..fucking lift and practice shooting…build a life

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In the last two years alone I managed to turn 4 friends into racists and now they hate black people.
How about you? How many have you managed to convince?

If everyone does their part, we can reach critical mass.

just make a new country bro

race idoltry is literally a sin.

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I'm not a christcuck so idc. Continue worshipping rabbi yeshua, schlomo.