>This video randomly pops up from the US Psyop division
>School shooters pop up out of nowhere
Something's fucky

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No one wants to join your gay psyop division ran by trannies, fuck off.

>epic ghosts in the machine ad
>in reality it's just diversity hires google translating leaflets and writing "small" on trojan XL magnum condoms
Where did we go so wrong?


yeah yeah yeah, everything since 2001 has been a false flag. Take your fucking meds you skitzo cunt.

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Name one major event that isn't then.


The burden of proof is on you.

Hiding nearby
Whispering DO or Die
Around (You)

i think i woke all the glowies

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A negative statement still has the burden of proof, only by reserving judgement do you not need to prove your position.

>only since 2001

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>whats wrong with your country burgers?
>why do these turkey shoots keep happening
If you look to your left, we have the glownigger. He claims to be an intelligence agent but in fact he spends his time talking people of zero intelligence and getting them to commit heinous acts of violence.

We're getting memed to death by the glow niggers guys. I'm scared.

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Totally fucking creepy mind control monarch level shit I watched it once a few weeks ago and it makes me feel wierd to even look at this screen cap it is pure evil

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This is the man behind the Machine where the Ghosts are in.

>Picture Related

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>the elephant in the room
every Any Forums user jokes about us all getting doxxed and hunted down. they are directly targeting us now. could this......could this be the big one?

Zhong Xina is part of the Chinks in the Machine.

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Rage against the Machine.

The reality of joining psyop is being a desk jockey trying to edge crazies into doing something crazy, while all the people with kompromat on them get to do glowie pedo stuff, like planting shaped charges and dealing weapons/drugs.

Question the Ghosts In The Machine.

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Autism in the Machine.

Sounds fun,
Until they make you take the jab, flunk you out, and send you to the meat grinder— errr, I mean infantry.
Broke: psyops
Woke: psy psy psy ops

Russians in the Machine

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Holy shit.
Drunks know what time the liquor store closes.

Alcoholics know what time the liquor store opens.

And a grocery cart fulll of THAT shit says “I mean business!!!!!”

Psy Op Op Gangnam Style
In the Machine

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Nesquik Rabbit in the Machine.

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Crazy Aaron in the Machine.

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