Trump is failing----ITS OVER

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp fended off a Republican primary challenge
David Perdue was convinced by Trump to run for governor after losing his Senate seat to Democrat Sen. Jon Ossoff early last year
Kemp led Perdue by roughly 50 percent throughout most of the returns
Political experts did not believe Trump's backing was enough to carry Perdue

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How do these perpetual losers keep running for office and getting trump endorsements? McSally was a loser too but she kept getting backed

Welp looks like kemp rigged it AGAIN after he RIGGED it against trump. Every single MAGA voter must stay home for the general

Voting in a rigged election just tells them it's okay to do again


#trump2024 all the way.

GA is a criminal state


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Watching closely to see if Oz can hold off in PA.

Haha. Stupid fucking boomer.

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>David Perdue
Maybe if Trump found someone who wasn’t just another repackaged piece of shit politician. I’m not backing someone just because Trump says they’re cool now. It’s like Oz in my state.

Perdue and Kemp are peas in a pod. Just like daddy Perdue.

Can he beat the nigger?

considering the new law they put in place recently, it will be much harder for her to cheat.
She will lose if the law is followed(which it likely will this time)

Stupid. All of trumps picks won in Ohio -a purple state.

Lol. This board is FULL of glowies tonight!

Georgia is a totally corrupt glownigger state.. it’s all fake

Oh no. Trump is now what, like 86 wins and 3 loses in endorsements.

If I can be Florida man without living in Florida I will vote for this guy.

Perdue and Kemp are not different. No one is going to come out for Perdue in the primary.
Kemp saved his ass by not blocking Georgians CC

>if they follow the law
~JuSt BOoMer CoN ThiNgS~

Attached: funny-ok-boomer.gif (498x412, 3.35M)

Can't win them all. Big Fat Nigga is going to win Georgia anyways

During the run up to the 2020 election and runoff, I received over 100 handwritten postcards from "fellow Georgians" telling me to vote for Ossoff and Warnock. Every single one of them had a Georgia return address and a San Francisco postmark. I was surprised they could be bothered to get people to handwrite so many postcards but then not mail them as a package to someone in Georgia to then drop in a mailbox so it'd have an instate postmark.

Here you go idiot:
They took the elections out of Roflburger's hands and the law states that if any district fucks up like 2020, they will be immediately removed and it will be taken over. Not just then, but for future elections.
So let me break this down for your stupid ass.
>Corrupt governor signs in new election laws that make it harder to cheat
>He won't lose his seat because he will put an end to it fast
>the districts aren't going to pull the same shit as they did in 2020 because they will never run an election again.
There's nothing "boomer" about it you fucking retard.

Doubtful. An incumbent shouldn't be anywhere near the 50% during their re-election primary. Kemp's only hope is that Abrams shoots herself in the foot dozens and dozens of times. The national establishment is aligned behind her and this is going to be one of their top races. Georgia is slowly turning into Maryland and that's not going to stop. Regardless of if he gets re-elected or not, Kemp is Georgia's last Republican governor for a while.

It's a red state. Republican Governor and republican legislature. 2000 mules shows how they stole the senate runoffs.
It's a red state and no one likes Perdue. He's a piece of shit just like his daddy.
No one cared whether they got turd A or turd B for the primary. What they will certainly unite against is the gap-toothed gun grabbing nigger.
They put in election reform to ensure they keep their jobs.


Trump's endorsement is still probably the strongest political endorsement in US political history. Even Obama going all in for Hillary couldn't get her over the top.
Sometimes the candidate just sucks or the opposition is too strong.

Mad that McCormick lost to Oz, you DeSantis simps?