18 little babies dead

How the fuck can you support republicans?

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I'm the original leaf with the full video, i'm petrified to post it anywhere because i don't want to be arrested in this fag country. help me post it anonymously and i will. i'm not going to jail for this shit and i'm a brainlett when it comes to anonymity. I'm actually fucking terrified right now because i think i'm the only one with a copy and I dont know what to do.

If only they got aborted before they got shot.

Politicians want gun rights taken away because they know we’re getting closer to them being slaughtered en mass and it terrifies them.

Are they acting scarred faggot? Is that a vibe they're currently giving off at Davos?

4 hrs and it’s already political.

The guy was a fucking nutcase. Who kills their grandmother then goes to elementary school, walks in and shoots 18 seven to eleven years olds and their teacher? And they were most probably all Mexican kids aswell.

They're just children. Make new ones. It's not like they were important.

a left voting mexican did the crime? how can you blame republicans?

day of the rope for all glowniggers. they desverve a fate worse than kikes

Yes. Their propaganda campaign gets more radical and full of hopeless seething by the day, their ideas get more radical by the day, every time someone even speaks opposition to them, they move to cancel. That is not a confident response to dissent. It’s fear for the soaking vortex of radicalization they have no one to blame but themselves for. You sound like one of those brainwashed faggots who thinks these incompetent, silver spoon retards with a messiah complex are “elite” because they want you to think that.

>Lets barbarians cross the border in droves
>Promote degeneracy
>Violence happens
What the fuck did you expect

We'll have our guy be right there to pick it up in a few minutes, user

what video fag.

wow, go figure. election year coming up and all of a sudden all these very organic us school shootings start happening

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>"I don't take responsibility"
Like clockwork

Don't worry faggot. The shooter was an abortion doctor just doing some abortions

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Fuck them kids

>larping faggot
>upload it everywhere possible
>get suicided

pick one

No, I don't think that at all. I think these people are completely and utterly incompetent and promoted to their positions precisely BECAUSE they are useless and dimwitted. But I also think they're so fucking stupid that they buy their own bullshit, and come to seriously believe it. And they control EVERY institution and have never once in their lives tasted defeat or pushback except November of 2016. They're not afraid because they're too stupid and arrogant and out of touch to know what is coming to them...and that's very good for the rest of us.

They were 18 you sick fuck!

it's 20

I like your optimism.
I hope you're right.
As for me, I have dreams that I use threads from a 3D printer that supposedly prints beef as a ligiture and I strangle those who want to shove this shit down our lives. I usually ejaculate while strangling them and it is a wet dream. I have no idea what that says of my psyche and I don't care (s'pose I care enough to post it lol)

ummmm those were just clumps of cells sweety.

Could it be...could he beat Cho's score?

>abortion blocks you're path

Who wants to ban guns in America while at the same time arming Ukranians?

The republicans didn’t smuggle all the bean niggers in

Bro when I was 23 I knocked up this girl and then I made her get an abortion.

nice digits

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republicans hate trannies like this shooter.

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>troon: if I can't groom then boom boom boom

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Video of what?

I would prefer that to be the case even more, actually. I want these people comfortable and still in their bubble, but I think thousands of people chanting drain the swamp in 2016 popped that bubble and they know exactly where this is going.
If you aren’t fantasizing about bathing in aristocrat blood at this point, you’re not paying attention. Real people with a sense of decency and history feel the same way user. Your braindead retards will call it bad but that’s just because they’re braindead and don’t understand history and human nature outside of the cookie cutter civics lessons they get from school.
The people who take this mindset and use it to kill innocents, however, are schizo. But you don’t strike me as that kind of person.


Don't misgender the shooter.

>Vax blocks abortions path

maybe they deserved it dunno

republican?.....it was a immigrant tranny

End Satanic witchcraft in police also known as grooming


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pretty sure user didn't do it tho

>The republicans didn’t smuggle all the bean niggers in
Oi m8 really?
Pic SMUGler turned the spigot on, turned it up, then King Nigger kicked it into over drive.

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What would be your argument if he were white?

>How the fuck can you support republicans?

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Root cause user is not guns, it’s the death of our culture thanks to death of the trad family and godless heathens. O and also feminism of course.
Also, they’ll never take guns, it’d spark civil war guaranteed

A Mexican killed a bunch of Mexicans. Don't care not my countrymen.

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Something you would call hypocrisy, which I really don’t give a fuck about after seeing you not a give a fuck about being called hypocrites all these years. We protect and only care about White children, you filthy nigger :)

These events are statistically marginal. We shouldn't inflict lasting damage on liberty due to statistically improbable abuses of that liberty.

Furthermore, we need to investigate why school shooters want to commit suicide-by-cop in the first place. If people were 0% suicidal I guarantee there'd be no school shootings.

I like how democrats will still resist having armed security in schools after this, because they’d rather the problem continue until they reach gun confiscation


>leftists are in absolute control of government and all forms of public life
>it’s republican’s fault

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Why don't you absolute faggots on the left suggest secession? Let the republicans have guns and you can live in your multicultural transexual societies eating the fake meat and not driving cars, living in neighborhoods filled with niggers and spics who will still have guns and you won't.

>The people who take this mindset and use it to kill innocents, however, are schizo. But you don’t strike me as that kind of person.
Thanks and agreed.
So what do you think about this possibility: the incessant, loud, and horrendous propaganda being fed to us for decades plus the poisoning of the food and water and all that bull shit piled onto an education that trains us into slaves not heroes, artisans, healers, and leaders. I mean think how repressive it has gotten. So my question is are we in a champagne-shaking scenario? All that pressure THEY built up they just kept shaking that damn champagne bottle. They just couldn't help themselves now we'll get so riled up the bloodbaths resulting will make The French Revolution look like Sunday bingo night at the VA.

No. Fuck that mindset. They’ll never stop pushing, imaginary lines won’t stop them. Needs to be clear that we either get our civilization back, or no one gets out of this alive. All or nothing, no shitty compromises.