Why don't we install high-powered super magnets in buildings that are triggered by the high frequency sound of gun fire...

Why don't we install high-powered super magnets in buildings that are triggered by the high frequency sound of gun fire? That way when a gun is fired, the magnets will start, and pull any bullets that are mid-air to the wall as well as the gun, that way the gun person is disarmed instantly. We have high-powered magnets, why don't we use them to stop gun violence and gun murder? Line the hallways with them for God's sake and only have them activated upon the sound of gunfire.

Build the magnets to stop the guns!



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imagine being this fucking retarded

mythbusters did an episode on this

>1pbtidnoce try shlomo

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What do you think life is an episode of breaking bad?

Good idea, but maybe a better idea would be some kind of incapacitating gas. Hell. I'd even go as far as having machines in the school, like drones equipped with weapons that an operator can access at any time from a police department. The drones would always be in the school and obviously, they'd be placed in areas that couldn't be tampered with and OF COURSE, there would have to be alert any single time they're accessed. Just have them scattered about. The police could see the location of the shooter, activate the nearest drone and do his ass in before cops even arrive on the scene.

Pacemaker fags btfo

I tell people to KYS often.
Bu i mean it this time. your retardation level is off the charts. do the world a favor and KYS

Great idea, we just need to make the air significantly more dense so the sound actually travels faster than the bullet. We could make the air so dense the bullet can penetrate it. This alleviating the problem before it starts! Good thinking op

Or just have security guards like wtf how did this person just walk in

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forgot how magnetic lead and copper were

>tear out grandmas heart with her pace maker

>all the fags getting genitalia piercings ripped out with the speed of magnets

what do if person in the ways of the bullets being magneeted to the building?

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bro real talk dis shit is on that Einstein tip ya smell me nigga you finna win th Nobel Peace Prize an shieeeeet fukken magnets dat shit is litty as af like bruh how much science do you even know like fuckin Walter White science bitch ya heard fucking magnets nigga

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Dumbest shit I've heard in a month

>I'm sorry for your loss sir, you see your wife was decapitated by her necklace.
>Ooou sorry we don't validate parking here.

Why not just have lasers to melt the projectiles?

your an idiot bullets aren't magnetic and most likely a fork/spoon would fly through the secretaries face

They could shoot the projectiles in the leg, that would save the most lives

Are you fucking stupid or something? What about people with metal parts in their bones, or fucking metal implants or pacemakers? Or piercings?

Not counting the fact that bullets aren't even fucking magne-
You're fucking stupid, OP.

or the water sprinkler system. Straight after the shot the water, that is boosted with a bit of electricity of course, starts to paralyze the people. If its a hostage situation you even could safely electrocute the hostagekeeper.

Could work but I propose the less expensive option of students just informing the shooter that it's a gun free zone

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>be at work
>minding own business, talking to Karen about menial bullshit i don't care about
>shooter alarm goes off
>vision blurs as my body is slammed into the wall
>immense pain in my chest as the pen in my breast pocket is pulled through my ribcage
>feel my balls crushed by my belt buckle as it breaks through my pelvis
>bleed out with a smile on my face knowing that at least the shooter was disarmed

the real solution is easy, just make the building inaccessible if you have metal on you. if it detects iron you cant get through the door


A small price to pay for no more school shootings

I'm sorry, how is this supposed to stop close-range shooting? Never mind the other stuff.

Just fill all school ceilings with fine sand. When a decibel threshold is crossed, the sand falls into the classrooms. Bullets don't pass through sand hardly at all. Everyone is safe and waits patiently for the sand extraction team.

why kids don't have pic related?

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>put flying robots with machine guns around children
>because I'll never admit that this browned-blacked dystopia is the problem
the absolute state of faggots

personally I feel that some sort of safe and effective nerve gas release valves be installed in all buildings that activate off the sound of gunfire. that will put everyone in the building to sleep.

houses to so that if an active shooter is in someones home they are all pacified until the authorities arrive