How to stop US school shootings

introduce vetting.
>have to undertake a police interview
>need medical reference to say you're sane to own a weapon
>two additional personal references from people who have known you for at least 5 years (not family members)
>limited to .22lr semi-auto, centrefire bolt action rifles (unlimited calibre, depending on state) and shotguns (max 3 rnd) if you're under 21

anyone who deserves their second amendment rights can easily meet these requirements with little trouble.
anyone who can't fulfil them, shouldn't have a gun. simple as.

is this going to eliminate all mass shootings? of course not.
But it will eliminate a lot of them.

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furthermore, you can make the arms manufacturers pay for the additional costs this creates via a tax.
they can afford it.

Every single one of these shooters is known to law enforcement who does absolutely nothing about it
Start fining cops for failing to act and this will end overnight

they dont have any legal framework to act.

I live in mass and we have all the same rules except no calibre restriction

you have no idea what you are talking about retard

>how to stop US school shootings
By dismantling the cia?

or just ban guns lamayo

Holy shit no faggot. We already have strict gun laws. You gonna talk about all the nigger shootings? Oh wait that doesn't fit your narrative

>left handed
lol what an ultra fag

Niggers will be exempt of course, since forcing them to interact with police is now considered racist violence.

it's from another shooting.


Ban troons

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Fuck off

Oh well, we have them and we aren’t giving them up so good luck with that. Just impotently scream into the void for all I care.

Hows that taking God/Christianity out of the schools working out?

Id take nigger shootings over school shootings. Stupid nigger


>is this going to eliminate all mass shootings? of course not.
Even you know you're just a tyrannical little jackass.

same rules should apply to blacks.
but they mostly use illegal guns, i'd imagine.
not a lot you can do about that now. fortunately they mostly just shoot other black criminals. not white school children.