You can't argue with this

You can't argue with this.

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That's a stretch

Correct, you can't argue with retards. It upsets them and wastes your time.

bot name

I guess there's a correlation. You also argue higher population=more violent people.

The government does not protect kids in their custody. So their solution is to make YOU more dependent on their protection

How about I compare the number of children killed to guns vs the number of children killed to abortions?

If it wasn’t for abortions black crime rates would have been worse and we would have kicked them all out in the 90s

It should be a known FACT that the ideological predecessors of Antifa (anarcho-syndicalists) were the first ones to push for mass abortion and contraception as part of plan to destroy capitalism through destroying the birthrate. This call for a "birth strike" was carried over to the American communist party and the ACLU.
>[P]rocreation under capitalism was an abomination since it prolonged the system by creating more “wage slaves”for capitalist bosses. In their view no one should have any children under capitalism. The agenda was to have working-class women drastically reduce the number of births via contraception and abortion. The lower birthrates would dry up the pool of labor, which would then ensure imminent crisis for capitalism and imperialism. This applied the syndicalist call for a massive general strike to the realm of childbearing.

>They erroneously believed this strategy would empower working-class women and the working class as a whole. Women would supposedly be “freed” from household labor. Workers’ wages would supposedly increase as the birthrate shrunk, since the absence of a reserve army of labor would force capitalist bosses to give into workers’ demands. Deliberately reducing the population would also give workers bargaining power with the State, these anarchists alleged.

This is because the left is inherently satanic. Unlike God, Satan cannot create, he can only destroy. This causes Satan to become deeply jealous of God, and as such Satan seeks to destroy all that God has created. The left likewise cannot create, it can only destroy, and seeks to tear down and annihilate everything which Western Civilization and free markets have made.

This is precisely why communists seek to destroy the family. Leftists hate everything beautiful and fertile.

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I genuinely don't care

It's so cool how Any Forums is Twitter now.

Black babies are better than aborted babies.

And very few black people killed each other like animals in a cage before abortion became legalized in America.

If we loved human life we would not have mass shootings.

Bruh I'm off my brain on amphetamines and that still comes through as shit logic to me
The real issue is nearly always a combo of SSRIs and other (((meds))) with access to guns, usually inexplicably stupidly accessible access considering their abhorrent mental health records and whatnot.
I mean dang I drive my car off a cliff ONE TIME and they take away my gun rights and meanwhile fuckin Jimothy Blanco Boy over here clearly looking like a nut case somehow putting ARs out of Walmart

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Personally I blame the MSM, standing by ready to canonize anyone willing to empty a magazine into an innocent crowd

Leftists removing themselves from the gene pool is a GOOD thing dipshit.

They promote a culture of death which affects everyone's children.

Meds aren't the problem. Lack of Christ is.

It's the fucking psych meds. They increase suicide risk because they shut off whatever people have in their brain that makes them feel for themselves AND OTHERS properly.

>”are mass shootings caused by lack of mental health services and violent video games?”
>”nope, just abortion”
Jesus fucking Christ.

Ironically it's the mental health services doing it via medication.

It's lack of Christ. Leftism and abortion culture naturally follow.

So much of the left's agenda is about making us immoral. The first institutions they always attack are the family and the church. This creates a culture of immorality and one which sees human beings as nothing more than numbers in an economic system.

What’s stopping your Jesus from stopping school shootings?

He isn't allowed in the schools.

How many school shootings were there when prayer was allowed in American schools?

CPUSA mass-infiltrated American education by recruiting communists into the teachers unions.

Bella Dodd (ex-CPUSA member who returned to the Catholic Church under the hand of Fulton Sheen) confessed to this.

This is why public education has become so immoral.

Imagine believing your Jewish zombie can prevent evil.