The bodies aren't even cold, yet, you shitheads

Stop with your political calculations and instead acknowledge the tragedy that just happened.

Even Beto is showing some restraint. Why can't you?

Attached: beto.png (354x200, 15.41K)


Thoughts and prayers

Eat a dick, you can pry my weapons from my cold dead hands you limp wristed faggot.

>politicians stop doing what you do

Stop complaining and start killing them

>it's different when we do it

Hey looks, it's the white Obama man

this faggot mick has always got to insert himself into everything

if there was only 1 more gun, you could have stopped them

Uvaldeez nuts

bodys go cold pretty quick

Once they get cold so does the trail you fucking retarded faggot sqge, cope, and dilate tranny sympathizer

Sloppy job mossad

Another murdering tranny

Uvalde? Is this in Mexico?

The only reason any of these faggots are showing restraint is cause this shooting doesnt fit the "evil white male with muh ar-15" narrative, which means it'll be memoryholed within the next 24-48 hours.

Did he roll out on a skateboard before he tweeted that?

>LOSER IN 2018
>LOSER IN 2020
>LOSER IN 2022

I don't give a fuck. Don't project your morals and false outrage upon me.


Shills are working overtime right now

Tough one for that faggot. Shooter was a tranny.
41% are taking normies with them now.
We need more guns; serious.


gun tranny : the motion picture... sequel to the critically acclaimed ax tranny : the motion picture... brave... evocative ...sensational over the top blood bath. when you see that 1 kids head explode into hamburger and the teacher literally shit them self you know its going to be gritty and hard boiled but the next 2 minutes are beyond what you expect and more

The only reason to care about the temperature of a body is if you want to fuck it.