I fucking hate it, but I finally have to admit it

We need more gun control.

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built for BWC (BIG WHITE COCK)

Why did it take you that long to admit it?

Speak for yourself, faggot. Cold. Dead. Hands.

the vast majority of gun violence comes from criminals.
and criminals cant get guns with current laws.
which they own nonetheless.

you are retarded. why should i pay attention to your bullshit?

Fuck off


how many of these threads are gonna be made exactly? lmao

i disagree, we actually need less gun control

what we do need however is national healthcare (including mental!), zero unemployment, and collective ownership of the means of production

there will be no reason for anyone to experience existential fear then, and thus no violent incidents of this nature will occur.

I want to suck on fat asian tits

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People like you need to be given a gun to blow your own brains out.

Yeah I grew out of my faggy libertarian phase at 20 I suggest the rest of you do too.

Gook alert

criminals are still going to get guns retard

Not on the scale we’re seeing now. Look at Australia

Hey! Super long time supporter of Joe Biden and gun control here. I have to admit it, if someone else was President it wouldn't have happened and if there wasn't already too much gun control those Texas kids could have defended themselves. I'm ashamed I stood for Joe Biden, gun control, and Israel and admit now I've been wrong all along.

fuck Australia, they're an island nation in the south pacific, they don't have criminals crossing their border every day to kill, rape, and kidnap people

Keep your eyes to yourself cunt or I'll glass ya

Is that a bra to replicate anime booba? What's with nips and gigantic areola?

nah bro nothing wrong with an 18 year old buying an assualt rifle

You think they bring the guns with them? LMAO

they get the guns HERE

You make a convincing argument

We just need to stop letting people under the age of 25 buy or own guns, and you should have to undergo a psychiatric evaluation with a psychologist and have them sign off on your application. There are plenty of responsible gun owners, you just don't hear about the 99.9% of those who aren't using their guns for evil because they're not using them for evil.

Based waffle post.


>1 & done OP
>bots pushing gun control / anti-racism / woke bullshit
>dumbasses giving (yous)

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It's so easy to lie to a psychiatrist you fucking retard

Such as

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You're a babe in the woods. Alex Jones was right. John Birch Society was Right, JBS.
Paid Shills have ruined Any Forums.
NRA was right. Oligarchy is here. Technocracy and Communism/Serfdom/Peonage/Feudalism is here and it's Global - see UN, WTO, WHO, WEF, IMF, WB, BIS, English Corporations. Corporatocracy. Corporatism has taken over all Govt, all institutions, all peoples, and turned us into Debt Slaves and Wage Slaves. Tax Slaves too.