You probably dont know how bad things really are

I turned 18 6 months ago and here's my findings:
>in my school everyone had porn addiction.
>Girls are all openly whores (they actually ask you for money for sex).
>everyone my age has the sexual habits you would expect of a 40 year old bald pervert.
There was literally a girl who was semi infamous for throwing up on peoples dicks, this was when she was 16, not even joking.

I feel like even people 5 years older will never understand how bad it's gotten.

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Try and enjoy it. You will more than likely grow up to have a very boring but comfortable life and be glad you left it behind but also glad it happened.

I’m 19 about to turn 20. There’s no hope for our generation, brother. It’s lost, truly lost. The generation that follows will be even worse.

do something about it

Not even to mention the daring situation. There were like 15 people in the school who got pussy, and they got all of it. Then their Chad-lite arbiters got crumbs, and everyone else got absolutely none apart form statistical anomalies.

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Nice try glownigger I'm not going to kill people no matter what you say!

Most people you meet in HS are going to be losers. Doesn't sound like anything has really changed, just how they will be losers.

What's your definition of a winner?

literally everything you've pointed out was how it was in my experience, and that was about 15 years ago. down to the girl who had to change schools after she threw up on too many people she was fucking at parties- she only did it like twice but yeah.

you sound like the only subject you’re an authority on is sonic the hedgehog

I'm in the same boat user. I'm done with being a member of the zoomer generation but I'm too much of a bitch to do something about it.

Why don't you pay a ho to have sex then? Sam Hyde was right.

Alphas may be based because they experienced covid totalitarism at a very young age. My 11 years old cousin even has a pepe profile pic on discord and sounds like he hates the system. Meanwhile when I was his age I did not give a fuck about politics or society.

I think throwing up on someone when drunk is different from doing it as a kink thing. Rumour has it she eats a lot of strawberry ice cream so it doesnt smell bad and I think she does it sober. That's fucked.

Lmao. Sorry, but that is hilarious. The dysfunction is too much. I can't help but laugh.

Sam was right about what?

I'm not playing for sex because I want a trad wife (which will never happen lol)
I live rurally so cant imagine what it's like in the cities.


Enjoy things while they last, you'll look back in the future on it

Get laid, user. Enjoy your youth.

>Try and enjoy it.
It's not enjoyable groomer. That's the problem.

Pepe is normie teir now.

What kind of boomer advice is this? Enjoy spectating whores?

Groomer NPCs are fucking sickening.

So how is Liverpool otherwise though?

Congrats, it should be easy for you to live comfy without working too hard by being better in comparison

Soon everyone will be like that and then Christianity will have a big comeback. I unironically think this. The mainstream will always become lame and the new generation will go against it.

True. I found that interesting. It used to be an online national socialist thing and now it's used by gay twitch streamers whilst they bounce on a dildo.

>There was literally a girl who was semi infamous for throwing up on peoples dicks, this was when she was 16, not even joking.
Bet this was some kind of unfortunate accident

>There was literally a girl who was semi infamous for throwing up on peoples dicks, this was when she was 16, not even joking.
same thing happened at my school lmao

Groomer? I’m telling the guy to enjoy being a typical teenager and all that goes along with it. Life gets boring when you grow up, have responsibilities, etc.

Haha, you are actually bang on mate. It's not bad. Like any other city. I live rurally though.

Same here brother, also 18. When I was in high school everyone was an absolute degenerate. Twerking music with lyrics about pussies and dicks and sex is all they ever listened to or sang about. Hypergamy was absurd, relationships, if the people chose to have, lasted for months at maximum. There is also a lot of cases here of girls losing their virginities while blacked out. Alcoholism and sex goes hand-in-hand for teens in their 15's and 16's here. It's all fucked up.

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>Girls are all openly whores (they actually ask you for money for sex
Still a virgin at 33, why did my parents emigrate to this country?

Hi, 5 years older user here.
Nothing has changed, you're just a pussy.
Grow up, get with a better crowd.
Get off the internet.

Based and hope-pilled. You could be right.

Pretty hot desu

This is pretty much the reality now and you know what when men can't get pussy they have literally zero reason to participate in society.

>typical teenager
Huxlean groomer.

Girls will routinely follow me as soon as they see me with my juul. They're always too shy to ask to hit it, (i'd tell em to fuck off just to laugh anyway) but i don't even remember girl following guys around for a cigarette back in the day. They'd just get someone to buy pack

I know for a fact it's not. She does it as a kink. Lots of people watch that kind of stuff. Deepthroating.

It was always like that retard

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