Is it maybe, actually time to get some gun control Any Forums? This can't keep happening

Is it maybe, actually time to get some gun control Any Forums? This can't keep happening

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Yeah ban all schitzos from buying them that will fix it surely !
Only people with guns here are super cereal criminals, and shootings seem to happen just as often.
It’s all bs none of it matters.

wtf I love gun control now

It's time you use your guns to control your fucking country
The tree of liberty is dry and it's leaves are fucking falling off
Are you going to let Liberty die?
Read what the founding fathers said about non whites
I'm pretty sure they didn't say "BLM"

fuck you


not my problem :)

Maybe troons need to be fucking tracked down by their internet presence and have their doors kicked down by SWAT teams since they keep fucking shooting people.

It's just an inevitable consequence of mass inceldom. Frustrated, sexless males have to take out their anger somehow

you're right, ban spics and niggers from owning them


Yeah na

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not fucking happening.
we have seen how governments treat their citizens that turned in their guns.
hahahahaa NICE TRY,
not happening. EVER

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USA should be under European control, so that you may get a bit more civilized.

No. 1000 false flags this year will not change any of our minds. Stop killing kids, globohomo.

Republicans lie when they say they support investing in mental health. This will keep happening forever

It’s a mental illness problem, not a gun one.

Maybe they should try repealing reaganomics and put all the shizos into asylums first?

They lied big time. Cuckservatives never cared about sanity, they were always insane from their genital mutilation and corn syrup s o y diet.

Hookers, masturbation, drugs.

There are so many alternatives to going Erick and Dylan.

My god you're pathetic. Everything is a conspiracy to get le beautiful guns out of your hands.

people didn't have mental health problems under christianity
Now we're encouraging people to take drugs, hate their race and sex and chop off their dick

Shame that the existence of the 2nd amendment relies on people like that

You are the grossest people on earth.
>guns R bad
Ok hows the mafia control on your town going you 65+ no kids fuck?

I still have every right to own as many guns of as many types as I please, as I do not shoot kids.
I'm not calling for the banning of SUVs after Waukesha am I? Maybe I should. BAN ASSAULT TRUCKS!

It's time to get immigration control.

A lot more children have to die before Brad will even think of giving up his 10th tacticool semi auto.

America doesnt learn lessons. Thats for europeans and homosexuals.

Fuck you.

You're just angry because your only guns are cobbled together out of scrap in your woodshed.

>Hookers, masturbation, drugs
they are worthless and you know it

10 shekels have been deposited in your bank account

oh? i must have missed the last time someone shot up a school here?

It's time for u to leave istael and renounce world jewry

Happened in a gun free zone like most mass shootingz desu

I think we should have gun control until americans have the maturity to own them.

Biden speaking tonight.

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Whens the last school shooting in Australia? Not in my lifetime.


You're just shooting kids, whilst we're arming sepratists.

We are not the same.

Fuck off Tranny weirdo

Id rather fuck prostitutes than kill people

whats even the point of guns all that happens is shootings and the larpers never do shit

>most war torn region in all of human history
Lmao. The only reason you warmongering orcs are as stable as you are (not lately tho) is because the US made sure of it post-1945

I think we should mount an invasion of Australia, behead your government and free the shit out of you people.
>It's okay when *I* shoot people
Whatever you say comrade potato

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America is the only country on the planet that has a mass shooting every single week at some school lmao, absolute state of ameritards. Literally below third world tier

There was that one mass shooting then they gave up guns in a big way.

Lo and behold, no mass shootings since.

Americans struggle with cause and effect. It is in their national character.

Brad’s 10 tacticool guns aren’t being used in school shootings you stupid potato nigger fag.

Or maybe time to admit our country's culture is disgusting and turns out insane people at an alarming rate.

Gun control and full state monopoly of firearms is consistent with right wing fascism. The idea that people have rights to guns is a libertarian/anarchist abberation found on fundametally liberal principles. The fact that in the US it's come to be associated with "the right"/"conservatism" is utter perversion.

How do we fix that then?

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Even if we had a school shooting hourly I would not support it. Fuck you.

The cure for this is full authoritarian monopoly on guns. There's only one body that should have monopoly on violence and force and it's the government

Ban psychiatric medication for children.
Can't though, it's good business for certain people. What's a few cracked eggs when compared to 10% growth in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year?
No government can ever be fully trusted no matter what.

we should take away cocks to stop rape

Okay yank, I am sure he was using some shitty chinese AK clone and not the same fucking rifle and tacticool columbine shit they always wear.

Maybe the kids should have had little .22 revolvers for this possibility, just in case. Take some personal responsibility for their defence, just like god and reagan wanted.

You do understand that Reagonomics structured the current democratic party, correct? You need to kill your heroes just like the miga israel first faggots need to.

Stone the gun grabbers to death.

>massive bombshells on the 2020 election released
>billions of tax dollars going to Ukraine war
>biden admin at the center of so many of US citizen's problems
>possible huge increase of illegal immigrants soon
>hunter's laptop released
>clinton case heating up
>Ds in deep shit for 2022 and 24 so far
>twitter is in deep shit
>roe v wade
>maybe 10% of the population is taking COVID seriously anymore, another 30% want something done about the government abuse
>little to no talk about Maxwell's case
>rising crime rates, not to mention gun crime in gun free zones, and drug abuse in CERTAIN areas
>gun support happens to be primarily right wing

Shall not be infringed. Can't believe a fucking leaf has to say it.
Maybe stop pushing for trannies living their delusions and for looser border control.

Sounds lovely, if we actually had a government that wanted to preserve the American people and American ideals, rather than replace the people with third worlders and replace our ideals with communism.

think twice

I don't understand. You think the government is about to brake into your house and rape your wife to death unless you own a DDM4?

Truely a freak of nature kind of phenomenon and convention honestly. Future generations would marvel at the idiosincracy and wierdness of gun rights obsession in modern America much as we look in awe at the weirdness of the ancient Rimans/Greeks.

America likes killing people - it's their cultural heritage.

Guns kill people. That's why their owners won't hand them over. :)

Usually they use handguns, since they're easiest to get and cheaper too. Rifles are expensive and a bitch to acquire, relative to a common glock.

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>Gun control
It's time for mental health to come under scrutiny AND help for those that need it.
Young men need desperate help. They are far overlooked.

>Take some personal responsibility for their defence
Where is it my problem some suicidal incel wanted to take it out on someone.

My point was that taking away Brad’s guns isn’t stopping school shootings, but I’m not surprised your retarded brain couldn’t figure that out. Go fuck your mother.


That was an obvious false flag which they actually believed and now their government can fuck them in the ass all they want, no false flags needed.

Same reasoning that demands you be sorry for your part in the 16th century north american slave trade.


>the cia will stop killing kids if we just agree to their demands

Come and take it faggot

Everyone knows 3rd worlders can't be trusted with guns. It's the same here.

>Maxwell's case
im pretty sure that most of the country forgot about that. We don't even have news on it anymore. She is probably living a house out of time drinking wine and waiting for payoffs .