$800M Needed To Build A New An-225 Mriya Cargo Jet Zelensky Says

>be Zelensky
>Need $40 billion USD
>halp my people are dying
>Gets money
>So, first things first, $800 million of this goes towards our really big plan, okay? I like big plane.

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A small cost

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Funny how money laundering works.

Waste of money on a Fuel-guzzler plane

That big plane is a better use of U.S. tax dollars than 90% of other garbage the government spends money on. Besides, the majority of that $40 billion is going towards killing Russians, so regardless of the plane's value it's still a great deal.

Why send $40 billion when 1 bullet costs about $0.75

who is building the plane?


I am sure Hunter Biden's skillset will be required and he will need to be paid at least $100 million of that figure.

>40billion $ free moneys

Isn't lend lease borrowing 40 billion dollars worth of equipment only? It's in the fucking name--lend and lease. Why do people keep assuming its a free blank cheque? They need to pay it back--which is why they didn't start lend lease immediately, because it would be retarded to give away 40 billion dollars of equipment to a government that would collapse.

Am I retarded?

That thing made a shit ton of money, it was still flying cargo around right up until it was destroyed.

will they include the buran bumps too this time around? don't need those any more

it'd be a total redo, they can't do it

Can they sue the Russian government for damages after they pull out to make it extra funny?

It would have been much more gangster for Russia to have stolen this plane rather than blow it up.

got blown up by artillery based on the footage Russians actually took pics with the lane were even on the runway then the Ukrainians artillery hit them

economy or war ravaged east nope plane I see these dumbasses have their priorities in check

What's the point of making new ifrom the scratch when logistic chain around the world got fucked up and that plane was destroyed because no one was booking it for shipments?

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Ukraine can't build shit lmao
AN-225 was a Soviet marvel of engineering, Ukraine is just a bunch of kikes and shabbosgoyim nibbling at its corpse

>killing russians

user...keep up

Dead Russians don’t make gas or housing any more affordable for the average US citizen. You’re either a kike or a boomer, kys either way.

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>Am I retarded?