Takes a hit

>Takes a hit
>Right wing ideas make even more sense

Was the weed makes you a hippy a lie?

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No it makes you schizophrenic and you connect your own dots

weed makes you lazy
t. used to smoke every day

t.only ever used indicas

My weed growers forum had a poll in 2016, Trump 73% Hillary 21% Johnson and Bernie split the rest.
All I've got for you.

This too.

Yes and no.

Weed doesn't inherently make you more susceptible to any specific ideology. It can be argued that it lowers inhibitions and cognitive defenses, essentially making someone more open, temporarily. The real meat is that the USG used the allure and appeal of Marijuana to tie it to a hippy culture that pushed Hollywood-CIA "counter culture." All in service of the long march, at the very least.

There isn't anything magic about weed. The medium is the message.

weed makes me rich
t. indoor grower

been smoking these for a few years now. 4 hits and im relaxed for a few hours. usually takes me 2 1/2 weeks to finish one.
im thinking about getting a dyna vape so i can smoke flower tho. thoughts?

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Well the weed makes you enjoy music a little more and the artists we had back in the hippy days were degenerate hippies that smoked pot so it just became a thing people wanted to do to seem cool.

I sell hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of shit a year. I'm high half the day. Death to jews and death to America btw

pineapple, ham, jalapeno together on pizza makes sense when i'm stoned

sounds fulfilling
how many times you tried to kill yourself? or have you only come close? serious question

very nice get growbro

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>hits pipe:
> Credulous at best, your desire to believe in angels in the hearts of men
>Pull your head on out your hippy haze and give a listen
>Shouldn't have to say it all again
>The universe is hostile, so Impersonal. Devour to survive
>So it is, so it's always been

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Stizzys pack the best punch out of all the vape pens I've tried. I'm a lightweight though; a 1g Cart lasts me 4 months. My buddy goes through those in, like, 2 days. But he's a massive stoner.

youre a massive faggot
get a life

All it does is make you stagnate. Smoke and you're ok with whatever and never change. Stoners will either say that's ok because exactly how you feel when you're high or they will deny it and go back to doing the same thing they've been doing since they were 15.

Can confirm. I'm sitting at home on my day off watching south park instead of going outside

>Was the weed makes you a hippy a lie?
Yes, a lie - in part - used to disguise glowniggers experiments with various chemicals. In true kike fashion, the exact opposite is true - cannabis and psychedelics help people recognize the kike brainwashing
>you can only make shekels the way I say!
ok, mr shekelberg

some turn into lazy go with the flow hippys that are easily preyed on by multinationals with friendly branding, others snap out of the media matrix and realize the that what they thought was reality is just manufactured bs.